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123665 - ZWave

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123665 Wall Plug Meter Switch

This describes the Z-Wave device 123665, manufactured by Popp & Co with the thing type UID of popp_123665_00_000.

The device is in the category of Power Outlet, defining Small devices to be plugged into a power socket in a wall which stick there.

123665 product image

The 123665 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is also able to participate in the routing of data between other devices in the mesh network.


Z-Wave UK Plug-in Switch plus Power Meter

Inclusion Information

  • Turn the controller into inclusion mode. 
  • Press the button on the wall plug 3 times within a period of around 2 seconds.

Exclusion Information

  • Turn the controller into exclusion mode. 
  • Press the button on the wall plug 3 times within a period of around 2 seconds.


The following table summarises the channels available for the 123665 -:

Channel Channel Id Category Item Type
Switch switch_binary Switch Switch
Electric meter (watts) meter_watts Energy Number
Electric meter (volts) meter_voltage Energy Number
Electric meter (kWh) meter_kwh Energy Number
Electric meter (power factor) meter_powerfactor Energy Number
Electric meter (amps) meter_current Energy Number


Switch the power on and off.

The switch_binary channel supports the Switch item and is in the Switch category.

Electric meter (watts)

Indicates the instantaneous power consumption.

The meter_watts channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Electric meter (volts)

Indicates the instantaneous voltage.

The meter_voltage channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Electric meter (kWh)

Indicates the energy consumption (kWh).

The meter_kwh channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Electric meter (power factor)

Indicates the instantaneous power factor.

The meter_powerfactor channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Electric meter (amps)

Indicates the instantaneous current consumption.

The meter_current channel supports the Number item and is in the Energy category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Device Configuration

The following table provides a summary of the 6 configuration parameters available in the 123665. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.

Param Name Description
1 Watt Meter Report Period Time frame for reporting instant power consumption
2 KWH Meter Report Period Time frame for reporting Accumulated Power Consumption
3 Threshold of Watt for Load caution Warn when wattage of load over the preset threshold value
4 Threshold of KWh for Load caution Warn if Acc. Power Consumption exceeds the set value
5 Ignore start level after pwr outage
11 Disable Switching Funktion
Switch All Mode Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands

Parameter 1: Watt Meter Report Period

Time frame for reporting instant power consumption If the setting is configured for 1 hour (set value = 720), the device will report its instant power consumption every 1 hour to Z-Wave Controller. (one unit = 5 seconds) Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 720.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_1_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 2: KWH Meter Report Period

Time frame for reporting Accumulated Power Consumption if the setting is configured for 1hour (set value = 6), the device will report its Accumulated Power Consumption (KW/h) every hour (one unit = 10 min) Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 6.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_2_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 3: Threshold of Watt for Load caution

Warn when wattage of load over the preset threshold value This is a warning when the wattage of load over the preset threshold value, if the load wattage exceeds the setting value the device will send a warning alarm command to the controller. Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 3000.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_3_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 4: Threshold of KWh for Load caution

Warn if Acc. Power Consumption exceeds the set value This is a warning when the KWh of load over the preset threshold value, if the Accumulated Power Consumption exceeds the setting value the device will send a warning alarm command to the controller. Values in the range 0 to 65535 may be set.

The manufacturer defined default value is 10000.

This parameter has the configuration ID config_4_2 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 5: Ignore start level after pwr outage

The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Switch Off
1 Last Switch State (Default)
2 Switch On

The manufacturer defined default value is 1 (Last Switch State (Default)).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_5_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 11: Disable Switching Funktion

The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 Enabled (Default)

The manufacturer defined default value is 1 (Enabled (Default)).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_11_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Switch All Mode

Set the mode for the switch when receiving SWITCH ALL commands.

The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Exclude from All On and All Off groups
1 Include in All On group
2 Include in All Off group
255 Include in All On and All Off groups

This parameter has the configuration ID switchall_mode and is of type INTEGER.

Association Groups

Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.

The 123665 supports 1 association group.

Group 1: Switch State

Association group 1 supports 5 nodes.

Technical Information


Endpoint 0

Command Class Comment

Documentation Links

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