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CT101 - ZWave

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CT101 Z-Wave Thermostat

This describes the Z-Wave device CT101, manufactured by Radio Thermostat Company of America (RTC) with the thing type UID of rtc_ct101_00_000.

The device is in the category of HVAC, defining Air condition devices, Fans.

CT101 product image

The CT101 supports routing. This allows the device to communicate using other routing enabled devices as intermediate routers. This device is unable to participate in the routing of data from other devices.


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The following table summarises the channels available for the CT101 -:

Channel Channel Id Category Item Type
Sensor (temperature) sensor_temperature Temperature Number:Temperature
Thermostat mode thermostat_mode Temperature Number
Operating State thermostat_state Temperature Number
Setpoint (cooling) thermostat_setpoint Temperature Number:Temperature
Setpoint (heating) thermostat_setpoint Temperature Number:Temperature
Thermostat fan mode thermostat_fanmode
Thermostat fan state thermostat_fanstate
Battery Level battery-level Battery Number
Clock Time Offset time_offset Temperature Number
Sensor (temperature) 1 sensor_temperature1 Temperature Number:Temperature
Thermostat mode 1 thermostat_mode1 Temperature Number
Operating State 1 thermostat_state1 Temperature Number
Setpoint (cooling) 1 thermostat_setpoint1 Temperature Number:Temperature
Setpoint (heating) 1 thermostat_setpoint1 Temperature Number:Temperature
Thermostat fan mode 1 thermostat_fanmode1
Thermostat fan state 1 thermostat_fanstate1
Battery Level battery-level Battery Number
Clock Time Offset 1 time_offset1 Temperature Number
Sensor (relative humidity) 2 sensor_relhumidity2 Humidity Number

Sensor (temperature)

Indicates the current temperature.

The sensor_temperature channel supports the Number:Temperature item and is in the Temperature category.

Thermostat mode

Sets the thermostat.

The thermostat_mode channel supports the Number item and is in the Temperature category. The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Number item type -:

Value Label
0 Off
1 Heat
2 Cool
3 Auto
4 Aux Heat
5 Resume
6 Fan Only
7 Furnace
8 Dry Air
9 Moist Air
10 Auto Changeover
11 Heat Economy
12 Cool Economy
13 Away

Operating State

Sets the thermostat operating state.

The thermostat_state channel supports the Number item and is in the Temperature category. The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Number item type -:

Value Label
0 Idle
1 Heating
2 Cooling
3 Fan Only
4 Pending Heat
5 Pending Cool
6 Vent / Economiser

Setpoint (cooling)

Sets the thermostat setpoint.

The thermostat_setpoint channel supports the Number:Temperature item and is in the Temperature category.

Setpoint (heating)

Sets the thermostat setpoint.

The thermostat_setpoint channel supports the Number:Temperature item and is in the Temperature category.

Thermostat fan mode

Channel type information on this channel is not found.

Thermostat fan state

Channel type information on this channel is not found.

Battery Level

Represents the battery level as a percentage (0-100%). Bindings for things supporting battery level in a different format (e.g. 4 levels) should convert to a percentage to provide a consistent battery level reading.

The battery-level channel supports the Number item and is in the Battery category.

Clock Time Offset

Provides the current time difference for the devices time.

The time_offset channel supports the Number item and is in the Temperature category.

Sensor (temperature) 1

Indicates the current temperature.

The sensor_temperature1 channel supports the Number:Temperature item and is in the Temperature category.

Thermostat mode 1

Sets the thermostat.

The thermostat_mode1 channel supports the Number item and is in the Temperature category. The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Number item type -:

Value Label
0 Off
1 Heat
2 Cool
3 Auto
4 Aux Heat
5 Resume
6 Fan Only
7 Furnace
8 Dry Air
9 Moist Air
10 Auto Changeover
11 Heat Economy
12 Cool Economy
13 Away

Operating State 1

Sets the thermostat operating state.

The thermostat_state1 channel supports the Number item and is in the Temperature category. The following state translation is provided for this channel to the Number item type -:

Value Label
0 Idle
1 Heating
2 Cooling
3 Fan Only
4 Pending Heat
5 Pending Cool
6 Vent / Economiser

Setpoint (cooling) 1

Sets the thermostat setpoint.

The thermostat_setpoint1 channel supports the Number:Temperature item and is in the Temperature category.

Setpoint (heating) 1

Sets the thermostat setpoint.

The thermostat_setpoint1 channel supports the Number:Temperature item and is in the Temperature category.

Thermostat fan mode 1

Channel type information on this channel is not found.

Thermostat fan state 1

Channel type information on this channel is not found.

Battery Level

Represents the battery level as a percentage (0-100%). Bindings for things supporting battery level in a different format (e.g. 4 levels) should convert to a percentage to provide a consistent battery level reading.

The battery-level1 channel supports the Number item and is in the Battery category.

Clock Time Offset 1

Provides the current time difference for the devices time.

The time_offset1 channel supports the Number item and is in the Temperature category.

Sensor (relative humidity) 2

Indicates the current relative humidity.

The sensor_relhumidity2 channel supports the Number item and is in the Humidity category. This is a read only channel so will only be updated following state changes from the device.

Device Configuration

The following table provides a summary of the 4 configuration parameters available in the CT101. Detailed information on each parameter can be found in the sections below.

Param Name Description
1 Temperature Reporting Threshold Reporting threshold for changes in the ambient temperature.
3 Utility Lock Enable/Disable Prevents setpoint changes at thermostat.
7 Thermostat Swing Temperature Variance allowed from setpoint
9 Thermostat Recovery Mode Fast or Economy recovery mode.

Parameter 1: Temperature Reporting Threshold

Reporting threshold for changes in the ambient temperature. This value determines the reporting threshold when association reporting is enabled. Unsupported values will be ignored. The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Disabled
1 0.5°
2 1.0°
3 1.5°
4 2.0°

The manufacturer defined default value is 2 (1.0°).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_1_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 3: Utility Lock Enable/Disable

Prevents setpoint changes at thermostat. If set to 0, the utility lock is disabled, all other values, 1-255, will enable the utility lock.  This will prevent changes to the setpoint at the thermostat screen. The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
0 Utility lock disabled
1 Utility lock enabled

The manufacturer defined default value is 0 (Utility lock disabled).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_3_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 7: Thermostat Swing Temperature

Variance allowed from setpoint The thermostat swing temperature is in units of 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. A value of 0x01 is 0.05F and 0x02 is 1.0F. The supported values may vary from thermostat to thermostat but typically the allowed values are 0.5F (0x01) to 4.0F (0x08).

The Thermostat Swing Temperature configuration command sets swing temperature on the thermostat setpoint. The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
1 0.5°
2 1.0°
3 1.5°
4 2.0°
5 2.5°
6 3.0°
7 3.5°
8 4.0°

The manufacturer defined default value is 2 (1.0°).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_7_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Parameter 9: Thermostat Recovery Mode

Fast or Economy recovery mode. The Thermostat Recovery Mode can be either fast (0x01) or economy (0x02). The following option values may be configured -:

Value Description
1 Fast recovery Mode
2 Economy recovery Mode

The manufacturer defined default value is 2 (Economy recovery Mode).

This parameter has the configuration ID config_9_1 and is of type INTEGER.

Association Groups

Association groups allow the device to send unsolicited reports to the controller, or other devices in the network. Using association groups can allow you to eliminate polling, providing instant feedback of a device state change without unnecessary network traffic.

The CT101 supports 1 association group.

Group 1: Group 1

Association group 1 supports 2 nodes.

Technical Information


Endpoint 0

Command Class Comment

Endpoint 1

Command Class Comment

Endpoint 2

Command Class Comment

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