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🐛 Bug report | Report an issue with React Native ExecuTorch here. |
Thanks for taking the time to fill out this bug report!
Before you proceed:
- Make sure to check whether there are similar issues in the repository
- Make sure to clean cache in your project. Depending on your setup this could be done by:
yarn start --reset-cache
ornpm start -- --reset-cache
orexpo start --clear
Required information
Please provide a clear, concise and descriptive explanation of what the bug is. Include screenshots or a video if needed. Tell us what were you expecting to happen instead of what is happening now.
Provide a detailed list of steps that reproduce the issue.
Please provide a Snack (https://snack.expo.io/) or a link to a repository on GitHub under your username that reproduces the issue.
Here are some tips for providing a minimal example: https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve.
Issues without a reproduction are likely to stale.
What version of react-native-executorch are you using?
What version of react-native are you using?
On what platform your application is running on?
Additonal information
Providing as much information as possible greatly helps us with reproducting the issues.
What runtime is your application using?
How is your application managed?
What React Native architecture your application is running on?
What mode your application is running?
How are you running your application?
What device you are experiencing this problem on? Specify full device name along with the version of the operating system it's running.
What AI models are you using?
Please provide performance logs, e.g., CPU, memory usage. Include screenshots or a video if needed.
I searched for similar issues in the repository.