A simple and elegant weather application that provides current weather information for any city. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and powered by the OpenWeather API.
- Search for the current weather by city name
- Displays temperature, humidity, and wind speed
- Shows different icons based on weather conditions (Clear, Clouds, Rain, Mist, Drizzle)
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- Go to the OpenWeather API website and sign up or log in to get your API key.
- Open the logic.js file in your code editor.
- Replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your actual OpenWeather API key
- HTML5: For structuring the web page.
- CSS3: For styling the app.
- JavaScript: For app functionality and interaction.
- OpenWeather API: For fetching current weather data
Thanks to OpenWeather for providing the weather data API.