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Changelog for the QNEthernet Library

This document details the changes between each release.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Added qnethernet_hal_micros().
  • Added secure TCP initial seqence numbers (ISNs), enabled with the new QNETHERNET_ENABLE_SECURE_TCP_ISN macro. The default is enabled.


  • Changed some functions to take a void* instead of a uint8_t*.
  • Changed definition of TCP_MSS to be based on MTU instead of being a constant.


  • Restored automatic entropy initialization when including qnethernet/security/RandomDevice.h. Calling qnethernet_hal_entropy() or qnethernet_hal_fill_entropy() will generate random values again without a prior call to qnethernet_hal_init_entropy() or RandomDevice::instance(). This also affects lwIP's internal LWIP_RAND().



  • Added qnethernet_hal_fill_entropy(buf, size) for filling a buffer with random values.
  • Added EthernetClient::setConnectionTimeoutEnabled(flag) to enable or disable blocking with calls to connect(...) and stop(). This supersedes calls to connectNoWait(...) and close(). Also added isConnectionTimeoutEnabled().
  • Added templated versions of util::writeFully() and util::writeMagic() that use a break function that static_casts a given object to a bool.
  • Added EthernetClient::connecting() for determining if the client is still in the process of connecting during a non-blocking connect.


  • Remove internal uses of String from MDNSClass and replace them with char arrays.
  • Updated Mbed TLS version mentions to 2.28.9 from 2.28.8.
  • Made EthernetClient::isNoDelay() const.
  • Disallow compilation for Teensyduino < 1.59 because there's no support for casting a const IPAddress to a uint32_t or for equality-comparing them.
  • Replaced EthernetClient::writeFully(const char *, size_t) and writeFully(const uint8_t *, size_t) with writeFully(const void *, size_t).
  • Updated the file structure to put most sources underneath src/qnethernet/.
  • Changed EthernetClient::setConnectionTimeout(timeout) and connectionTimeout() to use 32-bit values.
  • Renamed qnethernet_hal_rand() and qnethernet_hal_init_rand() to qnethernet_hal_entropy() and qnethernet_hal_init_entropy(), respectively.
  • Changed the non-entropy version of the entropy functions in the HAL to use std::minstd_rand instead of std::rand() and std::srand().
  • Changed uses of "" to "" in the examples and tests.


  • Now using (void) instead of () for all C function declarations because () doesn't mean "no parameters" in C.
  • Fixed driver_unsupported's driver_init(void) parameters to be empty.



  • Fixed wait-for-close for non-altcp connections.



  • Added a SimpleHTTPClient example.
  • Added a way to get the driver capabilities: EthernetClass::driverCapabilities() and driver_get_capabilities(dc).
  • Added a way to get the library version: EthernetClass::libraryVersion().
  • New QNETHERNET_DO_LOOP_IN_YIELD configuration macro for indicating that the library should attempt to hook into or override yield() to call Ethernet.loop().
  • New version of receiveQueueSize() in EthernetUDP and EthernetFrame that returns the number of unprocessed packets or frames.
  • Added droppedReceiveCount() and totalReceiveCount() to EthernetUDP and EthernetFrame.
  • Added driver_set_link_speed(speed) and driver_set_link_full_duplex(flag).
  • Added EthernetClass::renewDHCP().
  • Added EthernetClass::interfaceName().
  • Added setOutgoingTTL(ttl) and outgoingTTL() functions for modifying and accessing the TTL field, respectively, in the outgoing IP header, to EthernetClient and EthernetUDP.
  • Added EthernetUDP::receivedTTL() for retrieving the TTL value of the last received packet.
  • Added "Compatibility with other APIs" section to the README.


  • Separated setting the MAC address from driver initialization.
  • Changed the netif name to "en0".
  • Added macro-gated calls to Ethernet.loop() after any yield()s in case an overridden version doesn't call this. This affects:
    • DNSClient::getHostByName()
    • EthernetClass::waitForLink()
    • EthernetClass::waitForLocalIP()
    • EthernetClient::connect()
    • EthernetClient::stop()
  • Updated example yield() implementation notes for non-EventResponder versions.
  • Changed setReceiveQueueSize(size) to setReceiveQueueCapacity(capacity) and receiveQueueSize() to receiveQueueCapacity() in both EthernetUDP and EthernetFrame.
  • Updated QNETHERNET_ENABLE_RAW_FRAME_LOOPBACK behaviour to also check for the broadcast MAC addresses.
  • Added FLASHMEM to some driver functions.
  • Changed EthernetClass and MDNSClass hostname() function to return a const char * instead of a String.
  • Now always setting the DNS in EthernetClass::begin(ip, mask, gateway, dns), even if it's zero.
  • Use rename instead of end-then-start when the netif has already been added, in MDNSClass::begin(hostname).
  • DHCP is started when just the IP address is the "any" address instead of all of the IP address, netmask, and gateway.
  • begin(ip, mask, gateway, dns) now always sets the DNS address.
  • Ethernet.broadcastIP() now returns if Ethernet is not initialized.


  • Removed EthernetClass::isLinkStateDetectable() in favour of the driver capabilities.
  • Removed get_uint32(ip) utility function because a static_cast<uint32_t>() is sufficient.
  • Removed const IPAddress equality comparison operators because these exist in Teensyduino 1.59.


  • Fixed iperf v2 tests by commenting out per-block settings compare.
  • Fixed restarting the netif by also bringing the link down.
  • Fixed a bug related to closing a TCP socket when using altcp.



  • Fixed being able to process more than one incoming frame in a row in the driver.



  • Added protected access to the internal std::FILE* stream in the StdioPrint utility class.
  • Added more unit tests:
    • test_ethernet:
      • test_server_zero_port
      • test_server_accept
      • test_server_construct_int_port
  • Added printf format string checking for Print-derived classes. As of this writing, Teensyduino (1.59) and other platforms don't do compiler checking for Print::printf.
  • Added more support for errno. Appropriate functions will set this after encountering an error.
  • Added tests for the Arduino-API begin(...) functions.
  • Added a way to utilize an externally-defined driver.
  • Added driver_is_mac_settable() to the driver API. This checks if the MAC address can be set.


  • Updated and improved PixelPusherServer example.
  • Call qnethernet_hal_get_system_mac_address(mac) in the unsupported driver's driver_get_system_mac(mac) implementation. This enables MAC address retrieval for more platforms when communication isn't needed; Teensy 4.0, for example.
  • Turned the internal MAC address into an optional and simplified the Ethernet constructor. This change should make it easier to initialze a MAC address from a custom driver.
  • Changed Arduino-API non-DHCP begin(...) functions to return bool.
  • Improved driver logic so that lwIP options can be included in the driver headers.
  • Improved OSCPrinter example to use the UDP data directly.
  • Renamed driver_set_mac_address_allowed() to driver_set_incoming_mac_address_allowed().
  • Changed driver_proc_input(netif) to return a pbuf*.


  • Fixed EthernetServer::port() to return the system-chosen port if a zero value was specified.
  • Fixed EthernetUDP::stop() to leave any multicast group joined when starting to listen on a multicast address.
  • Fixed MAC address restore if an Arduino-API non-DHCP begin(...) call fails.
  • Fixed EthernetClient::read() and peek() to return -1 instead of 0 when there's no internal state.
  • Properly initializing multicast filtering so that it happens before igmp_start(), which sets up the all-systems group.



  • Added raw frame loopback support and a QNETHERNET_ENABLE_RAW_FRAME_LOOPBACK macro to enable.
  • Added a fourth step to the MbedTLSDemo example instructions: modify the config.
  • New EthernetFrameClass functions: destinationMAC(), sourceMAC(), etherTypeOrLength(), and payload().
  • Consolidated all the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) functions into one place: qnethernet_hal.cpp.
  • New NullPrint and PrintDecorator utility classes in the qindesign::network::util namespace.
  • Added driver_is_link_state_detectable() function to the driver. This is for detecting whether the hardware is able to read the link state.
  • Added EthernetClass::isLinkStateDetectable() to detect whether the driver is capable of detecting link state.
  • Added setOutgoingDiffServ(ds) and outgoingDiffServ() functions for modifying and accessing the differentiated services (DiffServ) field, respectively, in the outgoing IP header, to EthernetClient and EthernetUDP.
  • Added EthernetUDP::receivedDiffServ() for retrieving the DiffServ value of the last received packet.
  • Added EthernetFrameClass::clear() for clearing the outgoing and incoming buffers.


  • Updated the Mbed TLS version in the README and comments to 2.28.8 (was 2.28.6).
  • Updated mbedtls_hardware_poll() in MbedTLSDemo example for other platforms.
  • Improved the PixelPusherServer example.
  • The address-changed callback is now called for independent IP address, netmask, and gateway changes.
  • Improved link function documentation for linkStatus(), linkState(), and isLinkStateDetectable().
  • Updated EthernetClient::setNoDelay(flag) to return whether successful.
  • Add another 2 to MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT option for mDNS, for a total of an additional 8. Timeout exhaustion was still observed with 6. Why 8 and not 7:
  • Updated EthernetClient::connect() to return a Boolean value. (The function signatures don't change; they still return an int.) This matches the new definition at Ethernet - client.connect().
  • Changed EthernetClient::connectNoWait() return types to bool.


  • Improved marking of unused parameters.
  • Fixed up use of __has_include(), per: __has_include (The C Preprocessor)
  • In mDNS, ensure there's at least an empty TXT record, otherwise the SRV record doesn't appear.
  • Make the alternative yield() implementation extern "C".
  • Fixed EthernetUDP data copy for zero-length outgoing packets. pbuf_take() considers NULL data an error, so only copy the data if the packet's size is not zero.



  • New QNETHERNET_FLUSH_AFTER_WRITE configuration macro for flushing after every call to EthernetClient::write(). This may reduce TCP efficiency.
  • Added a W5500 driver.
  • Added a new EthernetHardwareStatus::EthernetTeensy41 enum value.


  • Made it easier to add other low-level drivers.
  • Redesigned the driver interface.
  • Un-deprecated EthernetClass::begin(mac, timeout) and begin(mac, ip, dns, gateway, subnet).
  • Un-deprecated EthernetClass::init(sspin) and added a driver function for setting the chip select pin. The type of sspin was also changed to int.
  • Removed dependency on elapsedMillis. This might help with compiling for other platforms.
  • Made the library easier to compile for other platforms.
  • Replaced all #define guards with #pragma once.
  • All QNETHERNET_* configuration macros can now be defined in a new qnethernet_opts.h file in addition to the project build.
  • Removed test dependencies on Teensy-specific things.
  • Renamed t41 driver source files to use teensy41 in the name instead.
  • Changed return type of EthernetUDP::beginWithReuse() and beginMulticastWithReuse() to bool.
  • Using better randomness for LWIP_RAND().
  • Changed attributes to use the C++ style.
  • Changed the default hostname to "qnethernet-lwip".
  • Renamed enet_get_mac(mac) to enet_get_system_mac(mac).


  • Added missing hostByName to keywords.txt.
  • Fixed enet_output_frame() to return false if there's no output buffer.
  • Fixed EthernetClient::write(buf, size) to re-check the state after a call to loop().
  • Fixed util::writeMagic() mac parameter to be const.
  • Fixed test_ethernet's tearDown() to remove listeners before calling Ethernet.end(). This ensures no out-of-scope variables are accessed.
  • Updated StdioPrint to not use errno because stdio doesn't set this.



  • Added EthernetClient::localIP().
  • Added EthernetClass::hostByName(hostname, ip) convenience function.
  • Added EthernetClass::setDNSServerIP(index, ip) and dnsServerIP(index).
  • Added some support for Mbed TLS v2.x.x. There's four new adapter functions for assisting integration (see src/altcp_tls_adapter.cpp), included if the QNETHERNET_ALTCP_TLS_ADAPTER option is set:
    1. qnethernet_altcp_is_tls
    2. qnethernet_altcp_tls_client_cert
    3. qnethernet_altcp_tls_server_cert_count
    4. qnethernet_altcp_tls_server_cert
  • Added MbedTLSDemo example.
  • Added printing the message size in LengthWidthServer example.
  • Added QNETHERNET_ENABLE_ALTCP_DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS-gated default implementations of the altcp interface functions.
  • Added EthernetClass::macAddress() for returning a pointer to the current MAC address.


  • Updated lwIP to the latest master (5e3268cf).
  • Made the driver non-blocking:
    1. TX: if there's no available buffer descriptors (returns ERR_WOULDBLOCK)
    2. Link checks via MDIO
  • Updated the tests:
    • Added a 10s connection timeout to test_client_addr_info()
    • Added SNTP retries to test_udp()
    • Updated and added some messages
  • Made MDNSClass::Service::operator==() const.
  • Completely revamped PHY and pin initialization.
  • Gated PHY and Ethernet shutdown in EthernetClass::end() with a macro; the default behaviour is to not execute these blocks. This and the previous are part of the quest to figure out why performance drops off a cliff when Ethernet is restarted via first calling end().
  • Changed return type of qnethernet_get_allocator to bool.
  • Renamed qnethernet_get_allocator and qnethernet_free_allocator to qnetheret_altcp_get_allocator and qnethernet_altcp_free_allocator, respectively.
  • Changed qnethernet_get_allocator and qnethernet_free_allocator allocator parameter to be a reference.
  • Updated the AltcpTemplate example.
  • Fixed IPAddress-related build problems with the new Teensyduino 1.54-beta4.
  • Updated the RawFrameMonitor example with information about how to disable DHCP.
  • Disabled waiting in EthernetClient::close() for altcp clients because it's not defined.
  • Changed configuration macro checks to use value instead of definedness.


  • Fixed a printf conversion specifier in the RandomNumbers example. This was causing a compile warning.
  • Fixed location of STATIC_INIT_DECL() for RandomDevice by putting it into the header. It needs to be in a place where users of the class see it.
  • Fixed EthernetClass::setMACAddress() for when the interface is up.



  • New "Heap memory use" section in the README that discusses memory allocation functions.
  • New RandomNumbers example.
  • Added a README subsection that talks about the RandomDevice class.
  • Added RandomDevice::instance().
  • Added EthernetClient::status() for getting the TCP connection state.


  • Enabled the MEM_LIBC_MALLOC option by default to make use of the system- defined malloc functions instead of the lwIP-defined ones.
  • Moved around where the netif gets its address set.
  • Changed the license to "AGPL-3.0-or-later".
  • Made RandomDevice constructor and destructor private.
  • Improved unit tests.
  • Updated lwIP to v2.2.0.


  • Removed the extern qindesign::security::RandomDevice randomDevice instance from QNEthernet.h because the way to access the device now is via its instance() function (the constructor is also private now). (It had been added in v0.23.0.)


  • Fixed enet_init() to always initialize the internal MAC address on first init.
  • Fixed execution error when running main.cpp (MAIN_TEST_PROGRAM macro defined) by removing build_type = debug from platformio.ini.
  • Fixed static initialization order for Ethernet, EthernetFrame, and MDNS singletons by using the Nifty Counter idiom.



  • The new QNETHERNET_MEMORY_IN_RAM1 configuration macro indicates that lwIP-declared memory should go into RAM1.
  • New EthernetFrameClass::receiveQueueSize() function.
  • New EthernetUDP::receiveQueueSize() and setReceiveQueueSize(size) functions.
  • Enabled external definition of macros LWIP_NETIF_LOOPBACK and LWIP_LOOPBACK_MAX_PBUFS.
  • Sprinkled some more Ethernet.loop() calls where pcb and pbuf allocations fail.
  • Added EthernetClass::setLinkState(flag) for manually setting the link state when a link is needed, such as when using the loopback feature. Network operations will usually fail unless there's a link.
  • Added more unit tests:
    • test_ethernet:
      • test_setLinkState
      • test_udp_receive_queueing
      • test_udp_receive_timestamp
      • test_udp_state
      • test_client_connectNoWait
      • test_client_timeout
      • test_client_state
      • test_server_state
      • test_other_state
    • test_entropy:
      • test_randomDevice
  • Added commented-out LWIP_STATS_LARGE option to lwipopts.h.


  • Changed memory declaration macro, LWIP_DECLARE_MEMORY_ALIGNED(), to use the MEM_ALIGNMENT value.
  • Now calling shrink_to_fit() on the UDP and Ethernet frame queues when changing their size.
  • Add 6 to MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT option for mDNS instead of 5. Timeout exhaustion was still observed with 5.
  • There's now a single lwip_driver.h header for interfacing with the stack.
  • Changed all EthernetClass::begin(mac, ...) functions to be consistent. If the MAC address is NULL then the MAC will be set to the internal one. Also, if starting Ethernet fails, the MAC address will not be changed.
  • Improved Ethernet tests to do proper object destruction when tests fail. The Unity test framework makes use of longjmp for failing tests, and that doesn't work well with object destructors.
  • Unit test updates.
  • Made single-argument EthernetClass and EthernetClient constructors explicit.


  • Now using the correct name when adding an mDNS service.
  • Pre-reserving memory for raw frames and UDP packets prematurely exhausts the heap when a larger number of them are reserved in the queue. These buffers are no longer reserved; they only grow appropriately when data comes in.
  • Fixed closing EthernetClients to remove the connection state if not already connected. Restarting an EthernetClient via one of the connectXXX() functions calls close() first. If there was no connection, then closing never removed the internal connection object, causing a leak.
  • Fixed Ethernet.loop() to also poll the netif if loopback is enabled. This allows loopback to work.
  • EthernetServer::end() now sets the port to -1.



  • Added qindesign::security::RandomDevice, a class that conforms to the UniformRandomBitGenerator C++ named requirement. This makes it a little easier to generate platform-independent entropy.
  • EthernetUDP::receivedTimestamp() for retrieving a packet's approximate arrival time.
  • Added a "writeFully() with more break conditions" subsection to the README.
  • EthernetFrame::receivedTimestamp() for retrieving a frame's approximate arrival time.
  • EthernetClient::connectionTimeout() for getting the current timeout value.


  • Changed EthernetUDP::localPort() to be const.
  • Changed entropy_random_range() to return zero if EAGAIN.
  • Changed entropy_random_range() to use Daniel Lemire's nearly- divisionless algorithm.
  • Updated lwIP to v2.2.0-rc1.
  • Made StdioPrint single-argument constructor explicit.
  • Updated EthernetClass::linkStatus() to return EthernetLinkStatus::Unknown if the hardware hasn't yet been probed.
  • Updated AltcpTemplate example to print proxy information.
  • Updated EthernetUDP::availableForWrite() to return the amount remaining before hitting the maximum possible payload size.
  • Add 5 to MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT option for mDNS instead of 1.


  • Removed TTL concept from MDNSClass. This enables it to compile with the latest lwIP.


  • Fixed SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TIME_US(sec, us) definition to set the RTC directly because settimeofday() doesn't exist here.
  • Fixed AltcpTemplate example so that it compiles when LWIP_ALTCP isn't set.
  • Handle nested altcp_pcbs when TCP-listening with reuse.



  • EthernetClass::setDHCPEnabled(flag) enables or disables the DHCP client. May be called either before or after Ethernet has started.
  • EthernetClass::isDHCPEnabled() returns whether the DHCP client is enabled. Valid whether Ethernet has been started or not.
  • New LinkWatcher example.
  • Added support for building for unsupported boards via a new bare lwIP driver.


  • Limit the number of times enet_proc_input() can loop to twice the ring size.
  • Limit UDP output size to the maximum possible (65535 - 28(total header)).
  • It's now possible to know when adding or removing a MAC address filter failed.
  • Make it possible to disable and exclude DHCP, DNS, IGMP, TCP, and UDP.
  • Changed EthernetClass::setMACAddress(mac) to use the built-in MAC address if the given array is NULL.
  • Changed EthernetClass::begin(mac) to wait for an IP address. The default is a 60-second timeout. There's also a new, optional, timeout parameter for specifying that timeout. This change makes the API match the Arduino Ethernet API.
  • Renamed enet_getmac(mac) to enet_get_mac(mac).
  • Better NULL argument checking.
  • Simplified ServerWithListeners example.
  • Changed enet_init(...) to return a bool for detecting init. failure.


  • Fixed how EthernetClient functions work when there's a pending connect triggered by connectNoWait().
  • Fixed how raw frame size limits are checked. Padding is already handled by the MAC.
  • Fixed compilation if LWIP_IGMP is disabled, including making LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER dependent on LWIP_IGMP (in addition to LWIP_UDP).
  • Improved trng_is_started() by adding an additional check for the "OK to stop" bit. It now works at system startup if the clock is already running.



  • Added EthernetClass::linkIsCrossover() for checking if a crossover cable is detected.
  • Added entropy-based random number functions, entropy_random() and entropy_random_range(range). The second uses an unbiased algorithm.


  • Renamed TRNG tests to test_entropy.
  • Added calling file, line, and function information to LWIP_ASSERT_CORE_LOCKED().
  • Un-deprecated EthernetClass::MACAddress(mac) and setDnsServerIP(ip).
  • Optimized byte-swapping by using GCC built-ins.


  • Reset the PHY in a much more conservative way. Hopefully this helps with restarting Ethernet causing packets to not be received.
  • Fixed dhcp struct assignment to be done each time the netif is added. This addresses netif_add() clearing all the client data.
  • Fixed LWIP_PLATFORM_ASSERT() to flush stdout's underlying Print object. This ensures all output for an assertion failure gets sent out before the call to abort().
  • Fixed the link status values changing after setting the link up.



  • Added EthernetFrameClass::size(), for parity with EthernetUDP.
  • Added internal entropy functions to remove the Entropy library dependency.
  • New QNETHERNET_ENABLE_CUSTOM_WRITE macro for enabling the inclusion of the expanded stdio output behaviour.
  • Added a bunch of unit tests. These use the Unity test framework from within PlatformIO.
  • Added sections to the README that describe how to configure compiler options for both the Arduino IDE and PlatformIO.
  • Added an AltcpTemplate example.
  • Added a BroadcastChat example that implements a simple chat over UDP.


  • Updated StdioPrint adapter to use errors better. errno is set for the "write error" value and the stdio error state is cleared appropriately when the functions detect that "write error" is back to zero.
  • Changed default stdio output behaviour to use the new system default. (This exists as of Teensyduino 1.58-beta4.) See: QNETHERNET_ENABLE_CUSTOM_WRITE.
  • Added a timeout parameter to the callback version of DNSClient::getHostByName(). This helps prevent any references from going out of scope before the callback is called.
  • Changed EthernetUDP::send() functions back to returning a Boolean value.
  • There's now Print objects for each of stdout and stderr: stdoutPrint and stderrPrint.
  • Improved RawFrameMonitor and SNTPClient examples.
  • Changed "tcp" calls to "altcp" calls so that it's easier to add things like TLS and proxy support. There's accompanying qnethernet_get_allocator(...) and qnethernet_free_allocator(...) functions that need to be defined by the application code if the LWIP_ALTCP option is enabled.


  • QNETHERNET_WEAK_WRITE macro in favour of the new way to enable the library's internal _write() definition. See: QNETHERNET_ENABLE_CUSTOM_WRITE.
  • Removed stdPrint in favour of the new stdoutPrint and stderrPrint.
  • Removed sending a DHCP INFORM message when setting a static IP. It seemed to interfere with any first subsequent DHCP requests.


  • Fixed EthernetClass::end() to call clearEvent() before detaching the event responder.
  • Fixed DNS client to be aware of lookup failures.
  • Added set-no-address and link-down calls to EthernetClass::end() before bringing the interface down. This ensures all the callbacks are called.
  • Fixed EthernetUDP::parsePacket() to also call Ethernet.loop() when there's no packet available.
  • Increased PHY reset pulse and reset-to-MDIO times. Hopefully this fixes slow traffic after restarting the system via Ethernet.end().



  • Added Ethernet.loop() calls to the EthernetClient::write() functions when the send buffer is full.
  • Added Ethernet hardware detection to support (well, "non-support") the Teensy 4.1 NE.


  • Updated lwipopts.h to examine LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER when setting certain values.
  • Ethernet.loop() calls are now attached/detached to/from yield in Ethernet.begin(...)/end().
  • Improved pin configurations and comments.
  • Disabled LWIP_STATS option by default. Saves a little memory.
  • Updated Arduino Ethernet API links in keywords.txt.
  • Only add 1 to MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT option for mDNS instead of 3.
  • Updated examples to use both address and link state on network changes. This accommodates when a static IP is used.
  • Changed UDP and TCP PCB creation to use an appropriate ip_addr_t type instead of the unspecified default.
  • Changed CRC-32 function for multicast lookup to not use a lookup table. This saves 1KiB of flash but makes the calculation about 4.7x slower but still in the microsecond range (~0.090µs -> ~0.42µs).
  • Moved EthernetClass, EthernetFrameClass, and MDNSClass constructors and destructors to FLASHMEM (where possible). This saves a little RAM1 space.
  • Moved lwIP's memory pools into 4-byte aligned DMAMEM (RAM2). This saves a lot of RAM1 space, about 27KiB with the current configuration.
  • Changed the promiscuous mode macro name from QNETHERNET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE to QNETHERNET_ENABLE_PROMISCUOUS_MODE.
  • Changed all the DHCP timeouts in the examples to 15 seconds.
  • Changed EthernetUDP::send() functions to return an lwIP error code instead of a 1-or-0 Boolean value. Zero (ERR_OK) means no error. This makes it easier to diagnose any problems.


  • Reverted how interrupts were being cleared to use assignment instead of OR'ing the bits. This seemed to fix an apparent freeze. (See this issue: #26)
  • Fixed a signedness comparison warning in OSCPrinter example.
  • Addressed "extra" (-Wextra) and pedantic (-Wpedantic) warnings.



  • Added a "Notes on ordering and timing" section to the README.
  • Added a README section that discusses EthernetClient::connect() and its return values.
  • Added non-blocking TCP connection functions, connectNoWait(), that are equivalent to the connect() functions but don't wait for the connection to complete.
  • Added EthernetUDP::beginWithReuse() and beginMulticastWithReuse() functions to replace the corresponding begin-with-reuse-parameter versions.
  • Added printing the link speed and duplex in the IPerfServer example.
  • Added an "Asynchronous use is not supported" section to the README.
  • New EthernetClass::onInterfaceStatus(callback) and interfaceStatus() functions for tracking the network interface status.
  • Added a check to ensure lwIP isn't called from an interrupt context.


  • Wrapped LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER option in lwipopts.h with #ifndef and added it to the README.
  • Made EthernetClass::loop() non-static.
  • Changed serial output in examples to use CRLF line endings.
  • Changed EthernetClient::connect() internals to call close() instead of stop() so that any cleanup doesn't block.
  • Updated EthernetClient::connect() to return some of the error codes defined at Ethernet - client.connect().
  • Changed EthernetServer::begin()-with-Boolean-reuse-parameters to be named beginWithReuse(). This avoids too many overloads with mysterious Boolean arguments.
  • Changed EthernetServer::operator bool() to be const.
  • Changed EthernetServer::end() to return void instead of bool.
  • Changed MDNSClass::begin(hostname) and DNSClient::getHostByName() to treat a NULL hostname as an error; they now explicitly return false in this case.
  • Changed MDNSClass::end() to return void instead of bool.
  • Changed examples that use unsigned char to use uint8_t in appropriate places.
  • EthernetUDP::begin functions now call stop() if the socket is listening and the parameters have changed.
  • MDNSClass::begin(hostname) now calls end() if the responder is running and the hostname changed.
  • Changed both EthernetServer and EthernetUDP to disallow copying but allow moving.
  • Changed raw frame support to be excluded by default. This changed the QNETHERNET_DISABLE_RAW_FRAME_SUPPORT macro to QNETHERNET_ENABLE_RAW_FRAME_SUPPORT.
  • Changed tcp_pcb member accesses to use appropriate TCP API function calls. This fixes use of the altcp API.


  • EthernetServer and EthernetUDP begin functions that take a Boolean reuse parameter.


  • EthernetUDP::begin functions now call stop() if there was a bind error.
  • Fixed EthernetClient::setNoDelay(flag) to actually use the flag argument. The function was always setting the TCP flag, regardless of the value of the argument.
  • Fixed printing unknown netif name characters in some debug messages.
  • Fixed EthernetClient::connect() and close() operations to check the internal connection object for NULL across yield() calls.
  • Fixed lwip_strerr() buffer size to include the potential sign.
  • Don't close the TCP pcb on error since it's already been freed.



  • The library now, by default, puts the RX and TX buffers in RAM2 (DMAMEM). This behaviour can be overridden by defining the new QNETHERNET_BUFFERS_IN_RAM1 macro.
  • Added separate stderr output support with the new stderrPrint variable. If set to NULL, stderr defaults to the usual stdPrint.
  • Added MDNSClass::operator bool() for determining whether mDNS has been started.
  • Added MDNSClass::restart() for when a cable has been disconnected for a while and then reconnected.
  • Added EthernetFrameClass::setReceiveQueueSize(size) for setting the receive queue size. This replaces the QNETHERNET_FRAME_QUEUE_SIZE macro.
  • Added a way to disable raw frame support: define the new QNETHERNET_DISABLE_RAW_FRAME_SUPPORT macro.
  • Added a "Complete list of features" section to the README.
  • Added MDNSClass::hostname() for returning the hostname of the responder, if running.
  • Added EthernetUDP::operator bool().
  • Added an already-started check to MDNSClass.
  • New section in the README: "operator bool() and explicit". It addresses problems that may arise with explicit operator bool().
  • Added EthernetClient::connectionId() for identifying connections across possibly multiple EthernetClient objects.
  • Added EthernetClass::isDHCPActive().


  • Improved error code messages in lwip_strerr(err). This is used when LWIP_DEBUG is defined.
  • Now shutting down mDNS too in EthernetClass::end().
  • Now using overloads instead of default arguments in EthernetClass and EthernetUDP.
  • Changed EthernetClass and MDNSClass String functions to take const char * instead.
  • Made all operator bool() functions explicit. See:
  • MDNSClass::removeService() now returns false instead of true if mDNS has not been started.
  • Enable definition of certain macros in lwipopts.h from the command line.
  • Changed API uses of unsigned char to uint8_t, for consistency.


  • Removed the QNETHERNET_FRAME_QUEUE_SIZE macro and replaced it with EthernetFrame.setReceiveQueueSize(size).


  • Disallow stdin in _write().



  • EthernetUDP::size(): Returns the total size of the received packet data.
  • Added an optional "dns" parameter to the three-parameter Ethernet.begin() that defaults to unset. This ensures that the DNS server IP is set before the address-changed callback is called.
  • Added configurable packet buffering to UDP reception with the new EthernetUDP(queueSize) constructor. The default and minimum queue size is 1.
  • Added configurable frame buffering to raw frame reception with the new QNETHERNET_FRAME_QUEUE_SIZE macro. Its default is 1.
  • Added a new "Configuration macros" section to the README that summarizes all the configuration macros.


  • Changed EthernetUDP::parsePacket() to return zero for empty packets and -1 if nothing is available.



  • Added a way to enable promiscuous mode: define the QNETHERNET_PROMISCUOUS_MODE macro.
  • Added a way to remove all the mDNS code: set LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER to 0 in lwipopts.h.
  • Added support for ".local" name lookups.
  • Added the ability, in the mDNS client, to specify a service name that's different from the host name.
  • Added EthernetClient::abort() for killing connections without going through the TCP close process.
  • New sections in the README:
    • "How to change the number of sockets", and
    • "On connections that hang around after cable disconnect".
  • An EthernetServer instance can now be created without setting the port. There are two new begin() functions for setting the port:
    • begin(port)
    • begin(port, reuse)


  • Moved CRC-32 lookup table to PROGMEM.
  • Changed in EthernetServer:
    • port() returns an int32_t instead of a uint16_t so that -1 can represent an unset port; non-negative values are still 16-bit quantities
    • begin(reuse) now returns a bool instead of void, indicating success
    • The EthernetServer destructor now calls end()


  • Removed some unneeded network interfaces:
    • IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridge
    • 6LowPAN
    • PPP
    • SLIP
    • ZigBee Encapsulation Protocol
  • Removed HTTPD options from lwipopts.h.



  • Added a util::StdioPrint class, a Print decorator for stdio output files. It routes Print functions to a specific FILE*. This exists mainly to make it easy to use Printable objects without needing a prior call to fflush().
  • Added MDNSClass::maxServices().
  • Added operator==() and operator!=() operators for const IPAddress. They are in the usual namespace. These allow == to be used with const IPAddress values without having to use const_cast, and also introduce the completely missing != operator.
  • Added a way to declare the _write() function as weak via a new QNETHERNET_WEAK_WRITE macro. Defining this macro will cause the function to be declared as weak.
  • Implemented EthernetFrameClass::availableForWrite().
  • Added size limiting to EthernetFrameClass write functions.
  • New EthernetClass::waitForLink(timeout) function that waits for a link to be detected.
  • Added a way to allow or disallow receiving frames addressed to specific MAC addresses: EthernetClass::setMACAddressAllowed(mac, flag)


  • Updated SNTPClient example to use EthernetUDP::send() instead of beginPacket()/write()/endPacket().
  • Updated PixelPusherServer example to use the frame average for the update period.
  • Implemented EthernetHardwareStatus enum for the deprecated Ethernet.hardwareStatus() function. This replaces the zero return value with the new non-zero EthernetOtherHardware.
  • Cleaned up how internal IP addresses are used.
  • Changed _write() (stdio) to do nothing if the requested length is zero because that's what fwrite() is specified to do.
  • Updated examples to use new operator!=() for IPAddress.
  • Moved lwIP's heap to RAM2 (DMAMEM) and increased MEM_SIZE back to 24000.
  • Updated EthernetFrame-related documentation to explain that the API doesn't receive any known Ethernet frame types, including IPv4, ARP, and IPv6 (if enabled).
  • Clarified in the examples that Ethernet.macAddress() retrieves, not sets.
  • Changed EthernetClass::setMACAddress(mac) parameter to const.
  • Moved CRC-32 lookup table to RAM2 (DMAMEM).
  • Made const those functions which could be made const.
  • Renamed ServerWithAddressListener example to ServerWithListeners.
  • Updated examples and README to consider listeners and their relationship with a static IP and link detection.


  • Fixed EthernetUDP::send() function to take the host and port as arguments, per its description. There's now two of them: one that takes an IPAddress and another that takes a char * hostname.
  • Fixed enet_output_frame() to correctly return false if Ethernet is not initialized.
  • Fixed not being able to set the DNS server IP before starting Ethernet.
  • Fixed raw frame API to consider any padding bytes.



  • EthernetFrame convenience functions that also write the header:
    • beginFrame(dstAddr, srcAddr, typeOrLen)
    • beginVLANFrame(dstAddr, srcAddr, vlanInfo, typeOrLen)
  • qindesign::network::util Print utility functions. The breakf function parameter is used as the stopping condition in writeFully().
    • writeFully(Print &, buf, size, breakf = nullptr)
    • writeMagic(Print &, mac, breakf = nullptr)
  • enet_deinit() now gracefully stops any transmission in progress before shutting down Ethernet.
  • EthernetClass functions:
    • linkIsFullDuplex(): Returns whether the link is full duplex (true) or half duplex (false).
    • broadcastIP(): Returns the broadcast IP address associated with the current local IP and subnet mask.
  • Functions that return a pointer to the received data:
    • EthernetUDP::data()
    • EthernetFrame::data()
  • DNSClient::getServer(index) function for retrieving a specific DNS server address.
  • EthernetUDP::localPort(): Returns the port to which the socket is bound.
  • Three new examples:
    1. IPerfServer
    2. OSCPrinter
    3. PixelPusherServer


  • The EthernetClient::writeFully() functions were changed to return the number of bytes actually written. These can break early if the connection was closed while attempting to send the bytes.
  • Changed EthernetClient::writeFully() functions to use the new writeFully() Print utility function.
  • Changed the Ethernet object to be a reference to a singleton. This matches how the EthernetFrame object works.
  • Changed the read(buf, len) functions to allow a NULL buffer so that the caller can skip data without having to read into a buffer.
  • Moved internal classes and structs into an "internal" namespace to avoid any potential contflicts with user declarations.


  • Removed IEEE 1588 initialization and timer read.


  • Fixed EthernetClient::availableForWrite() to re-check the state after the call to EthernetClass::loop().



  • Added a way to disable and enable Nagle's algorithm. The new functions are EthernetClient::setNoDelay(flag) and isNoDelay().
  • Implemented EthernetServer::availableForWrite() as the minimum availability of all the connections, or zero if there's no connections.
  • New AppWithListenersTemplate example.
  • Added EthernetClass::operator bool() for testing whether Ethernet is initialized.
  • Added a new way to send and receive raw Ethernet frames. There's a new EthernetFrame instance (of EthernetFrameClass) that is used similarly to EthernetUDP.
  • New RawFrameMonitor example.
  • New EthernetUDP::send(data, len) function for sending a packet without having to use beginPacket()/write()/endPacket(). It causes less overhead.
  • Added EthernetClass::isPromiscuousMode().


  • Changed EthernetUDP::flush() to be a no-op.
  • Reduced lwIP's MEM_SIZE to 16KiB from 24000.
  • Split MDNSClass::addService() into two overloaded functions: one with three arguments and one with four. No more defaulted TXT record function parameter; the three-argument version calls the four-argument version with NULL for that function.
  • Updated keywords.txt.
  • Updated SNTPClient example: Removed unneeded includes, made the packet buffer a global variable, and added setting the RTC and time.
  • Changed EthernetClass::mtu() to static size_t. It was non-static and int.
  • Updated enet_output_frame(frame, len) to check if the system is initialized.


  • Removed EthernetClass::sendRaw(frame, len) because there's a new EthernetFrame API with a send(frame, len) function.


  • Fixed the length check when sending raw Ethernet frames to exclude the FCS field. It checks that the length is in the range 60-1518 instead of 64-1522.
  • Fixed check_link_status() to check if Ethernet is initialized before trying to access the PHY.



  • Implemented EthernetClass::setMACAddress(mac).
  • Added EthernetServer::maxListeners(), EthernetClient::maxSockets(), and EthernetUDP::maxSockets() so user code doesn't need to guess. These are constexpr functions that return the compile-time constants from the lwIP configuration.
  • Added EthernetServer::port() for returning the server's port.
  • Added EthernetClass::setHostname(hostname) and hostname() for setting and getting the DHCP client option 12 hostname.
  • Added EthernetClass::maxMulticastGroups() constexpr function.
  • Added a "Write immediacy" subsection to the README that addresses when data is sent over a connection. It's under the "How to write data to connections" section.


  • Changed the default DHCP client option 12 hostname to "teensy-lwip".


  • Stop the DHCP client when restarting Ethernet (in begin(ip, mask, gateway) and setMACAddress(mac)) to ensure that a static IP won't get overwritten by any previously running DHCP client. This also obviates the need to call Ethernet.end() before re-calling begin.



  • Added a way to send raw Ethernet frames. The new function is EthernetClass::sendRaw(frame, len).
  • Added new sections to the README:
    1. "Sending raw Ethernet frames", and
    2. "How to implement VLAN tagging".
  • Added calls to loop() in EthernetClient::connected() and operator bool().
  • Added EthernetUDP::beginMulticast(ip, localPort, reuse), where reuse controls the SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
  • Added EthernetClass::joinGroup(ip) and leaveGroup(ip) for joining and leaving a multicast group.
  • Added a "How to use multicast" section to the README.


  • Changed kMTU type to be size_t everywhere.
  • Added stdPrint as an extern variable to QNEthernet.h and moved it to the qindesign::network namespace.
  • Changed transmit data buffers to be 64-byte aligned, for "optimal performance".
    See: IMXRT1060RM_rev2.pdf, "Table 41-38. Enhanced transmit buffer descriptor field definitions", page 2186.
  • Updated lwIP to v2.1.3.
  • Changed EthernetUDP::beginMulticast to release resources if joining the group failed.
  • Increased MEMP_NUM_IGMP_GROUP to 9 to allow 8 multicast groups.


  • Removed mention of the need to re-announce mDNS and adjusted the docs accordingly.


  • Changed receive data buffers to be 64-byte aligned.
    See: IMXRT1060RM_rev2.pdf, "Table 41-36. Receive buffer descriptor field definitions", page 2183.
  • Changed TA value in ENET_MMFR register to 2, per the chip docs.
  • Multicast reception now works. Had to set the ENET_GAUR and ENET_GALR registers appropriately.



  • Added example that uses client.writeFully() to the "How to write data to connections" README section.
  • Added EthernetClient::close() for closing a connection without waiting. It's similar to stop().
  • Added DNSClient class for interfacing with lwIP's DNS functions.
  • Added a "DNS" section to the README.


  • Renamed the "How to write data to clients" README section to "How to write data to connections".
  • Increased the maximum number of UDP sockets to 8.
  • Updated EthernetClass, EthernetClient, and EthernetUDP to use the new DNSClient class for DNS lookup and DNS server address setting.



  • Added a check that Entropy has already been initialized before calling Entropy.Initialize().
  • Added a "How to write data to clients" section to the README that addresses how to fully send data to clients.
  • Added EthernetClient::writeFully() functions that might help address problems with fully writing data to clients.
  • Added a new "Additional functions not in the Arduino API" section to the README.
  • Added EthernetClient::closeOutput() for performing a half close on the client connection.


  • Updated the ServerWithAddressListener example. It's more complete and could be used as a rudimentary basis for a complete server program.
    1. Added a "Content-Type" header to the response,
    2. It now looks for an empty line before sending the response to the client,
    3. Added the ability to use a static IP,
    4. Added client and shutdown timeouts, and
    5. Added a list to the description at the top describing some additional things the program demonstrates.
  • In EthernetClass::end(), moved setting the DNS to 0 to before DHCP is released. This ensures that any address-changed events happen after this. i.e. the DNS address will be 0 when an address-changed event happens.



  • The Boolean-valued link state is now EthernetClass::linkState().
  • Added a _write() definition so that printf works and sends its output to Serial. Parts of lwIP may use printf. This directs output to a new Print *stdPrint variable. It has a default of NULL, so there will be no output if not set by user code.
  • Now powering down the PHY in enet_deinit().
  • Added calls to loop() in EthernetServer::accept() and available() to help avoid having to have the caller remember to call loop() if checking connectivity in a loop.
  • Added a call to end() in the QNMDNS destructor.
  • Added a new externally-available Print *stdPrint variable for printf output, both for lwIP and optionally for user code.
  • Added the ability to set the SO_REUSEADDR socket option when listening on a port (both TCP and UDP).
  • Added four examples and a "note on the examples" section in the README.
    1. FixedWidthServer
    2. LengthWidthServer
    3. ServerWithAddressListener
    4. SNTPClient


  • EthernetClass::linkStatus() now returns an EthernetLinkStatus enum. The Boolean version is now EthernetClass::linkState().
  • The EthernetLinkStatus enum is no longer marked as deprecated.
  • Updated EthernetClient output functions to flush data when the send buffer is full and to always call loop() before returning. This should obviate the need to call flush() after writes and the need to call loop() if writing in a loop. (flush() is still useful, however, when you've finished sending a "section" of data.)
  • Changed EthernetUDP::parsePacket() to always call loop().


  • Restarting Ethernet (via begin() or via end()/begin()) now works properly. DHCP can now re-acquire an IP address. Something's weird about EventResponder. It doesn't look like it's possible to detach() then attach(), or call attach() more than once.
  • Fixed QNMDNS to only call mdns_resp_init() once. There's no corresponding "deinit" call.



  • Added a new "survey of how connections work" section to the README.
  • Added low-level link receive error stats collection.
  • Now calling EthernetClass::loop() in EthernetUDP::parsePacket() when it returns zero so that calls in a loop will move the stack forward.
  • Added EthernetLinkStatus enum (marked as deprecated) for compatibility with the Arduino API. Note that EthernetClass::linkStatus() is staying as a bool; comparison with the enumerators will work correctly.
  • Now sending a DHCPINFORM message to the network when using a manual IP configuration.


  • Changed EthernetClass::loop() to be static.
  • Changed all the internal "yield() to move the stack along" calls to EthernetClass::loop(). Note that the calls within while loops in the external API functions were not changed.


  • Fixed the driver to add and remove netif ext callback at the correct places. This solves the freeze problem when ending Ethernet, however when restarting, DHCP isn't able to get an IP address.



  • Added a "Code style" section to the README.
  • Added link-status and address-changed callbacks.
  • New EthernetServer::end() function to stop listening.
  • Disabling the PLL before disabling the clock in enet_deinit(). This still doesn't solve the freeze problem when this function is called.
  • New EthernetClass::linkSpeed() function, used as Ethernet.linkSpeed(). It returns the link speed in Mbps.


  • Changed all the delays to yields because delay() just loops and calls yield() anyway.
  • No longer looping when checking the TCP send buffer in the client write functions. Instead, just using an if.
  • The client now takes more opportunities to set the internal connection pointer to NULL, meaning the caller doesn't necessarily need to guarantee they call stop() if other I/O functions are being used to check state or to write, for example.
  • Moved adding the netif callback to enet_init() so that the callback still gets an address-changed notification when setting a static address.


  • Fixed client functions to also check for connected status.
  • Fixed client read() and peek() to return -1 on no connection.
  • Added potential flushing in EthernetClient::availableForWrite(). This keeps things moving along if it always would return zero.
  • A listening server is now correctly added to the internal listening list. This fixes EthernetServer::operator bool().



  • Instructions in the README for how to use with Arduino.
  • Added the ability to add TXT items to mDNS services.
  • New EthernetClass::waitForLocalIP(timeout) function that waits for a DHCP-assigned address.
  • Added the ability to re-announce mDNS services. This is useful to prevent the entries from disappearing.
  • Added mDNS notes to the README.


  • Updated lwIP to v2.1.3-rc1.
  • Moved global objects (Ethernet and MDNS) into the qindesign::network namespace.


  • UDP multicast address check was checking the wrong byte.
  • UDP multicast now IGMP joins the group.



  • Updated lwIP to the "real" v2.1.2 release.
  • The library now works with Arduino.


  • EthernetUDP::endPacket() was using nullptr for the pbuf.
  • EthernetUDP::beginPacket() was not setting the output port.



  • Small delays in EthernetClient output functions to allow data to flush. This allows user programs to avoid having to call yield() themselves.
  • Flushing the output before closing the connection in EthernetClient::stop().
  • Global Arduino-style MDNS object and a rename of the class to MDNSClass.
  • yield() calls in the EthernetClient input functions to allow user programs to avoid having to call yield() themselves.


  • Brought Print::write functions into scope for Client, Server, and UDP by using a using Print::write directive.
  • New centralized connection management.


  • Removed all the atomic fences.


  • Fixed EthernetClass::begin() return value; it was the opposite.



  • Initial release.

Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Shawn Silverman