Releases: stanfordnlp/pyvene
Releases · stanfordnlp/pyvene
v0.0.7: Major API updates with additional intervention supports
- Remove redundant keywords
for singleton classes or types everywhere. - API supports a wide range of dynamic casting, and dynamic broadcasting.
- Providing additional code examples on intervention sharing and complex causal intervention schemes.
- Update basic 101 tutorials with simple onboarding examples.
What's Changed
- Make self.embed_dim not None. by @ZhengPeterWang in #49
- [Minor] allow dynamic boundary init for boundless das by @frankaging in #50
- [Minor] Minor change to test with num of label by @frankaging in #55
- [Minor] add simple location broadcast for easy interface (#52) by @frankaging in #56
- [Minor] update test name by @frankaging in #58
- [P1] Adding in constant source intervention support with new tests by @frankaging in #59
- [Minor] Add in full causal tracing fig 1 reproduced results by @frankaging in #60
- [Minor] Update to full reproduce result fig1 the ROME paper by @frankaging in #61
- [Minor] incidental changes to the tutorials for updated results by @frankaging in #65
- Zen/causaltracingfull by @frankaging in #66
- [Minor] update broadcast in generation by @frankaging in #69
- Model generation API simplified and cleanup tech debt on redundant variables by @frankaging in #70
- [Bug Fix] Topological order scoring is not accurate by @frankaging in #75
- [Major] Update API namings and parameters by @frankaging in #78
- [Minor] Update a few doc links by @frankaging in #79
- [Minor] Add Viz by @frankaging in #80
- gather_neurons() unit tests by @ZhengPeterWang in #81
- Add preliminary scatter() function tests by @ZhengPeterWang in #82
- Add an extra test on scatter_neurons() testing case with no head. by @ZhengPeterWang in #84
- [Minor] Support backpack and replicate by @frankaging in #85
- [Bug fix] fix backpack init by @frankaging in #87
- More scatter_neurons() tests by @ZhengPeterWang in #88
- [Minor] fix requirements.txt to have a more stable Colab experience (#86) by @frankaging in #89
- Update datagenerators to support tokenizing for LMs by @atticusg in #91
- [Major] Update with string access and code refactory (#83) by @frankaging in #93
- [Minor] adding PR and BUG template by @frankaging in #94
- Model utils tests for GPT-2 by @ZhengPeterWang in #92
- [Minor] Support ITI Paper Results (#68) by @frankaging in #95
- [P1] Adaptive changes with pyvene 101 colab by @ZhengPeterWang in #96
- [Minor] Fix gradient backprop trainables with upstream interventions by @frankaging in #97
- [P0] remove autograd debugging by @aryamanarora in #98
- [P2] Update probing tutorial by @aryamanarora in #99
- [P1] Add intervention util unit tests by @ZhengPeterWang in #100
- [Minor] Bump up pip version by @frankaging in #101
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7
v0.0.6: Minor fix to remove default cache directory
Merge pull request #48 from stanfordnlp/zen/cachepath Remove default cache directory
v0.0.5: Minor update after library migration for various links
Merge pull request #47 from stanfordnlp/zen/setup update setup link, tutorial links
v0.0.4: Minor fix on library imports
fix library imports
v0.0.3: Add support for probe training, interchange intervention training
- Add generic activation collection intervention to collect activations for probe training. It is integrated with other interventions. You can intervene and then collect.
- Support interchange intervention training.
- More tutorials are provided.
- Add for dev rules.
- Change to relative imports.
v0.0.2: minor updates on versioning and project description
update minor version
v0.0.1: initial release with pip library
This is the first release of our pyvene