- fix(backend -> redis): fix var usage before initialization (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Khazov (@fcbvirus0k)
- fix(backend -> redis): typo (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Khazov (@fcbvirus0k)
- feat(backend): export 'redisPrefix', 'generateRedisPrefix', 'getRedisOptions' #11 (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Khazov (@fcbvirus0k)
- feat(backend): implement ability to pass additional options to redis #10 (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Khazov (@fcbvirus0k)
- refactor(backend, server): move 'getUniversalRedis' to helper and export it, export Redis #9 (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Khazov (@fcbvirus0k)
- feat(backend/mongo): add support for TLS/SSL connection (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: swich to using useDeferredValue by default. Add { defer: false } support to useSub() and to observer() (effective for any useSub inside) options to not use it. (@cray0000)
- fix(orm): typo in getCollection method's error message (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Khazov (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat(orm): implement getCollection method #8 (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Khazov (@fcbvirus0k)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): adm destructor might run twice during hot reloading (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): for React's useSub() and cache signals on the observer() level intead of using useRef() (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: fallback to empty array when the query ids are not there for some reason (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: don't throw on incorrect getIds() (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix FinalizationRegistry implementation through WeakRef (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(channel): properly handle the websocket connection rejection (@cray0000)
- test: improve useSub and useAsyncSub tests (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat: implement useAsyncSub(). It returns undefined if there is no data yet. (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat: use patched sharedb-mingo-memory which fully supports $aggregate with $lookup (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(server-aggregate): fix checking whether the query is the named aggregation (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): fix .getId() for doc signals in aggregation results (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:startupjs/teamplay (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat(access): add userId to the permission denied log (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat(@teamplay/schema): add 'ajv-errors' for custom error message #3 (@pvturchik)
- Pavel Turchik (@pvturchik)
- fix(backend): fix accessControl, allow to pass a customValidator option for it (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): don't try to call the destructor twice (might happen in strict mode, on background render, etc.) (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): optimize setDiffDeep -- return the original object if the reference to be updated is the same object (don't try to perform a deep comparison) (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): don't try to deep update non-plaid objects when doing setDiffDeep on local data (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- docs: add more API docs (@cray0000)
- Update README.md (@cray0000)
- Update README.md (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat: expose an explicit 'useSub()' function to be used inside React components instead of sub() (@cray0000)
- minor(example): fix css unit (@cray0000)
- readme: add Usage section with introduction and documentation (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat(channel): add 'authorize' option for server-side to authorize connection requests; add 'getConnectionUrl' option for client-side to modify the connection url (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat(teamplay): support passing array to sub() for multiple parallel subscriptions (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): correctly handle array indexes; add more array methods - reduce, find; return id from .add (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay/react): update signal ref if it changes (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): change observer() update logic to use useSyncExternalStore; hold reference to signals within react context to prevent GCing them while component is still alive; don't unsubscribe from docs which were indirectly fetched by a query (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: allow only working with public collections on the server since there is no user-separation for private collections (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat(teamplay/Signal): add simple implementations for .pop() and .push() (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat(teamplay/Signal): add getId() method which returns the last segment (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: move uuid into utils package (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: use older uuid version which does not depend on the crypto module (RN does not have it) (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix(teamplay): mock WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry to work in Expo (@cray0000)
- chore: add .npmignore to all packages with CHANGELOG.md (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- feat: move backend implementation from startupjs. Add an example app. (@cray0000)
- chore: add name to example app (@cray0000)
- chore: add version to example app (@cray0000)
- chore: add explicit release commands to publish patch and minor since 'auto' doesn't take 0-based version into account (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: rename old references to startupjs packages into teamplay packages (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: add 'events' since sharedb client requires it to work correctly (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: re-export cache as 'teamplay/cache' (@cray0000)
- chore: update 'release' script to do an actual release (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)
- fix: dummy. trigger version bump (@cray0000)
- Pavel Zhukov (@cray0000)