All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix NPM publish (b5cee7b)
- Update dependency prettier to v3.4.2 (#38, 2139c1c)
- Update dependency @studiometa/eslint-config to v4.1.0 (#32, 3b4cc1c)
- Add support for both
flag from the Prettier command (741f555)
- Fix usage with the
flag (741f758)
- Add support for both
flag from the Prettier command (741f555)
- Fix auto-publish on tag push (42f3f95)
- Display error message when failing (c73c707)
- Move the prettier package to peer dependencies (d90f326)
- Improve the output of errors (95b0001)
First release! 🎉