Set up poetry! make sure you have
installed it is a package manager for python and initialize for the repository. i believe the command ispoetry shell
but yea just double check maybe need topoetry install
first. Might have to install this too plugin -
Now run the backend using Docker!
docker-compose up --build
should be good -
For the first time we need to populate the database. After this initial population the data is persisted using a Docker volume (verify with
docker volume ls
) after shutting down. To populate there is an ingestion script. You just have to runingest/ingest.py
with thepython
interpreter from the poetry environmentHINT (to verify poetry setup): > which python /Users/<REDACTED>/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/backend-JqeV0JJJ-py3.12/bin/python
The ingestion works by logging in with a special user account and sending POST requests to the
endpoints to add new clothing items to the database from thejcrew.csv
Notes from Taha:
I added mkdir -p /app/logs to entrypoint.sh since it was kicking up a fuss. Furthermore, wanted to create the test user since it did not get automatically added. As a result, we had to run docker-compose exec web -it /bin/bash
and then this opened up a new sub terminal where I ran python manage.py create_test_user
. TO clear volumes - docker rm volume backend_pgdata
This one worked better - docker compose down --volumes