1 | 1 | display: top
2 | 2 | links:
3 |
| - - name: Pasi's Studio |
4 |
| - link: https://pasi.cat/ |
5 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/0/avatar.640x640.jpg |
6 |
| - author: Pasi |
7 |
| - description: 404 Not Found |
8 |
| - - name: 天空·边界 |
9 |
| - link: https://liyin.date |
10 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/1/avatar.160x160.png |
11 |
| - author: 立音喵 |
12 |
| - description: 用心探知天空的边界 |
13 |
| - - name: 晴耕物语博客 |
14 |
| - link: https://www.sayxw.top |
15 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/2/avatar.120x120.png |
16 |
| - description: 晴天丶故事丶雨声丶平静的心。 |
17 |
| - - name: Zavier's Blog |
18 |
| - link: https://zavierlab.com |
19 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/3/avatar.750x750.png |
20 |
| - author: Zavier |
21 |
| - description: 平淡就好 |
22 |
| - - name: 蠢黑通行 |
23 |
| - link: https://blackyau.cc |
24 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/4/avatar.360x354.png |
25 |
| - author: 蠢黑通行 |
26 |
| - - name: 下午茶的轻音部 |
27 |
| - link: https://www.myeriri.com/ |
28 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/5/avatar.512x512.png |
29 |
| - author: Haibara |
30 |
| - - name: 恶魔菌の记事簿 |
31 |
| - link: https://meow3.family.blog |
32 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/6/avatar.661x661.png |
33 |
| - author: 恶魔菌 |
34 |
| - description: 半文艺、半动漫的二次元美少女的涂鸦簿! |
35 |
| - - name: Zohar's Blog |
36 |
| - link: https://www.iwch.me |
37 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/7/avatar.640x640.png |
38 |
| - author: Zohar |
39 |
| - description: The Most Important Thing in My Life is Freedom |
40 |
| - - name: 萨摩公园 |
41 |
| - link: https://i-meto.com |
42 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/8/avatar.256x256.png |
43 |
| - author: Meto |
44 |
| - description: 我就是我,不食人间烟火 |
45 |
| - - name: 奶冰の冷藏室 |
46 |
| - link: https://milkice.me |
47 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/9/avatar.256x256.png |
48 |
| - author: Milkice |
49 |
| - description: Maybe a way to explore the world? |
50 |
| - - name: KeJun's Blog |
51 |
| - link: https://kejun.me |
52 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/10/avatar.500x500.png |
53 |
| - author: KeJun |
54 |
| - description: 二次元智障 |
55 |
| - - name: 梦之翼 |
56 |
| - link: https://fly.moe |
57 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/11/avatar.140x140.png |
58 |
| - author: Fly3949 |
59 |
| - description: Flyの宅基地 |
60 |
| - - name: Elepover's Blog |
61 |
| - link: https://daily.elepover.com |
62 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/12/avatar.700x700.png |
63 |
| - author: Elepover |
64 |
| - description: 没有人能阻挡,我们与生俱来对自由的渴望 |
65 |
| - - name: 无垠 |
66 |
| - link: https://flyhigher.top |
67 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/13/avatar.270x270.png |
68 |
| - author: Axton |
69 |
| - description: 飞翔的天空无限大 |
70 |
| - - name: 苏卡卡的有底洞 |
71 |
| - link: https://skk.moe |
72 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/14/avatar.128x128.png |
73 |
| - author: Sukka |
74 |
| - description: 「童话只美在真实却从不续写」 |
75 |
| - - name: ⑨BIE |
76 |
| - link: https://9bie.org |
77 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/15/avatar.800x800.jpg |
78 |
| - author: ⑨BIE |
79 |
| - description: 伪技术宅的谜之地 |
80 |
| - - name: Re:Vigorous Pro |
81 |
| - link: https://www.wevg.org |
82 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/16/avatar.959x960.jpg |
83 |
| - author: Edison Jwa |
84 |
| - description: Hi, nice to meet you.这是一个从零开始的世界 |
85 |
| - - name: Indexyz's Blog |
86 |
| - link: https://blog.indexyz.me |
87 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/17/avatar.640x640.jpg |
88 |
| - author: Indexyz |
89 |
| - description: Sharing light, even in death. |
90 |
| - - name: 黄蜂说 |
91 |
| - link: https://www.sjy.im |
92 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/18/avatar.530x530.png |
93 |
| - author: a.k.a. 小黄蜂 |
94 |
| - description: 一名互联网从业者的自留地,分享自己的所见所得,自认为过程比结果重要。 |
95 |
| - - name: NEVER迷の小窝 |
96 |
| - link: https://blog.never.pet |
97 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/19/avatar.512x388.png |
98 |
| - author: NeverBehave |
99 |
| - description: 喵喵喵~ |
100 |
| - - name: idealclover |
101 |
| - link: https://idealclover.top |
102 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/20/avatar.320x320.jpg |
103 |
| - author: idealclover |
104 |
| - description: 翠翠酱的个人网站 |
105 |
| - - name: 罗炜杰个人博客 |
106 |
| - link: https://www.lwjppz.cn |
107 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/21/avatar.700x700.jpg |
108 |
| - author: 不必谁懂我 |
109 |
| - description: 记录写代码的苦逼日子 |
110 |
| - - name: 小竹's Blog |
111 |
| - link: https://blog.justforlxz.com |
112 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/22/avatar.400x400.png |
113 |
| - author: 小竹 |
114 |
| - description: 永远不要停止思考 |
115 |
| - - name: 辣椒の酱 |
116 |
| - link: https://removeif.github.io |
117 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/23/avatar.640x638.jpg |
118 |
| - author: 辣椒の酱 |
119 |
| - description: 后端开发,技术分享 |
120 |
| - - name: 蝉時雨 |
121 |
| - link: https://chanshiyu.com |
122 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/24/avatar.402x402.jpg |
123 |
| - author: 蝉時雨 |
124 |
| - description: 蝉鸣如雨 花宵道中 |
125 |
| - - name: Jing blog |
126 |
| - link: https://jingine.com |
127 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/25/avatar.1247x1280.png |
128 |
| - author: Chris |
129 |
| - - name: TonyHe |
130 |
| - link: https://www.ouorz.com |
131 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/26/avatar.960x960.jpg |
132 |
| - author: TonyHe |
133 |
| - description: Just A Poor Lifesinger |
134 |
| - - name: Cyberspace of Swung |
135 |
| - link: https://www.swung0x48.com |
136 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/27/avatar.640x640.jpg |
137 |
| - author: Swung0x48 |
138 |
| - description: Lost in cyberpunk. |
139 |
| - - name: WenJie' Blog |
140 |
| - link: https://wenjie.store |
141 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/28/avatar.1893x1594.jpg |
142 |
| - author: chenwenjie |
143 |
| - description: 记录一些学习笔记、杂谈 |
144 |
| - - name: 蚊Blog |
145 |
| - link: https://qwq.moe |
146 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/29/avatar.640x640.png |
147 |
| - author: 贫困の蚊子 |
148 |
| - - name: Cyris |
149 |
| - link: https://cyris.moe |
150 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/30/avatar.1558x1556.png |
151 |
| - author: Cyris |
152 |
| - description: 花如解笑还多事,石不能言最可人 |
153 |
| - - name: Cotpear |
154 |
| - link: https://www.cotpear.com?utm_src=blog.ixk.me |
155 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/31/avatar.1600x1600.jpg |
156 |
| - author: 齊一和其團隊 |
157 |
| - - name: QWQAQ |
158 |
| - link: https://qwqaq.com |
159 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/32/avatar.640x640.png |
160 |
| - author: qwqaq |
161 |
| - description: 生命不止,折腾不息 ( ゜- ゜) |
162 |
| - - name: OS0day |
163 |
| - link: https://blog.os0day.cn |
164 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/33/avatar.640x640.png |
165 |
| - author: OS0day |
166 |
| - description: 一位医疗行业的软件工程师 |
167 |
| - - name: 冰糕Luminous の 小窝 |
168 |
| - link: https://0m0.co |
169 |
| - avatar: /image/config/friends/links/34/avatar.500x500.png |
170 |
| - author: 冰糕Luminous |
171 |
| -lost_links: |
172 |
| - - name: 周海棠啦 |
173 |
| - link: https://begonia98.github.io |
174 |
| - - name: Viosey's Blog |
175 |
| - link: https://blog.viosey.com |
176 |
| - - name: neoFelhz's Blog |
177 |
| - link: https://nfz.moe |
178 |
| - - name: 诸葛小百科 |
179 |
| - link: https://www.xiaobaike.net/ |
180 |
| - - name: stackboom |
181 |
| - link: http://stackboom.xin |
182 |
| - - name: N0ts Blog |
183 |
| - link: https://blog.n0ts.cn |
| 3 | + - name: 个人主页 |
| 4 | + link: https://ixk.me |
| 5 | + avatar: /image/config/friends/links/0/avatar.400x400.png |
| 6 | + author: Otstar Lin |
| 7 | + description: Otstar's Space的源码,个人主页。 |
| 8 | + - name: 青空之蓝 |
| 9 | + link: https://blog.ixk.me |
| 10 | + avatar: /image/config/friends/links/1/avatar.400x400.png |
| 11 | + author: Otstar Lin |
| 12 | + description: 站在时光一端,回忆过往记忆。 |
| 13 | + - name: GitHub |
| 14 | + link: https://github.com/syfxlin |
| 15 | + avatar: /image/config/friends/links/2/avatar.400x400.png |
| 16 | + author: Otstar Lin |
| 17 | + description: >- |
| 18 | + 💻Coding / 🎉GuGuGu / 📖 Learning / 🚩 Open Source developer / 🐛 Bug |
| 19 | + making machine |
| 20 | +lost_links: [] |
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