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ECharts源码解析之SVG渲染器 |
2020-09-21 09:16:41 -0700 |
2020-09-21 09:16:41 -0700 |
Path: /src/svg/Painter.ts,
// 这里将 待渲染的元素做了渲染
_paintList(list: Displayable[], scope: BrushScope, out?: SVGVNode[]) {
const listLen = list.length;
const clipPathsGroupsStack: SVGVNode[] = [];
let clipPathsGroupsStackDepth = 0;
let currentClipPathGroup;
let prevClipPaths: Path[];
let clipGroupNodeIdx = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < listLen; i++) {
const displayable = list[i];
if (!displayable.invisible) {
const clipPaths = displayable.__clipPaths;
const len = clipPaths && clipPaths.length || 0;
const prevLen = prevClipPaths && prevClipPaths.length || 0;
let lca;
// Find the lowest common ancestor
for (lca = Math.max(len - 1, prevLen - 1); lca >= 0; lca--) {
if (clipPaths && prevClipPaths
&& clipPaths[lca] === prevClipPaths[lca]
) {
// pop the stack
for (let i = prevLen - 1; i > lca; i--) {
// svgEls.push(closeGroup);
currentClipPathGroup = clipPathsGroupsStack[clipPathsGroupsStackDepth - 1];
// Pop clip path group for clipPaths not match the previous.
for (let i = lca + 1; i < len; i++) {
const groupAttrs: SVGVNodeAttrs = {};
const g = createVNode(
'clip-g-' + clipGroupNodeIdx++,
(currentClipPathGroup ? currentClipPathGroup.children : out).push(g);
clipPathsGroupsStack[clipPathsGroupsStackDepth++] = g;
currentClipPathGroup = g;
prevClipPaths = clipPaths;
// 这里在渲染待渲染的元素
const ret = brush(displayable, scope);
if (ret) {
(currentClipPathGroup ? currentClipPathGroup.children : out).push(ret);
// 这里将待渲染的元素分为了三类 path image 和 tspan
// 由于echarts本身是基于canvas在渲染 所以 这里将大多数元素都作为path来渲染了
// 将moveTo lineTo等命令解析成 svg 的 path属性相对容易
export function brush(el: Displayable, scope: BrushScope): SVGVNode {
if (el instanceof Path) {
return brushSVGPath(el, scope);
else if (el instanceof ZRImage) {
return brushSVGImage(el, scope);
else if (el instanceof TSpan) {
return brushSVGTSpan(el, scope);
// 这里在渲染SVG的Path
export function brushSVGPath(el: Path, scope: BrushScope) {
const style =;
const shape = el.shape;
const builtinShpDef = buitinShapesDef[el.type];
const attrs: SVGVNodeAttrs = {};
const needsAnimate = scope.animation;
let svgElType = 'path';
const strokePercent =;
const precision = (scope.compress && getPathPrecision(el)) || 4;
// Using SVG builtin shapes if possible
if (builtinShpDef
// Force to use path if it will update later.
// To avoid some animation(like morph) fail
&& !scope.willUpdate
&& !(builtinShpDef[1] && !builtinShpDef[1](shape))
// use `path` to simplify the animate element creation logic.
&& !(needsAnimate && hasShapeAnimation(el))
&& !(strokePercent < 1)
) {
svgElType = el.type;
const mul = Math.pow(10, precision);
builtinShpDef[0](shape, attrs, mul);
else {
if (!el.path) {
const path = el.path;
if (el.shapeChanged()) {
// 这里在创建了Path canvas 指令数组
el.buildPath(path, el.shape);
const pathVersion = path.getVersion();
const elExt = el as PathWithSVGBuildPath;
let svgPathBuilder = elExt.__svgPathBuilder;
if (elExt.__svgPathVersion !== pathVersion
|| !svgPathBuilder
|| strokePercent !== elExt.__svgPathStrokePercent
) {
if (!svgPathBuilder) {
svgPathBuilder = elExt.__svgPathBuilder = new SVGPathRebuilder();
// 这里将 canvas 的指令数组 转译成了 svg Path的d属性
path.rebuildPath(svgPathBuilder, strokePercent);
elExt.__svgPathVersion = pathVersion;
elExt.__svgPathStrokePercent = strokePercent;
attrs.d = svgPathBuilder.getStr();
setTransform(attrs, el.transform);
setStyleAttrs(attrs, style, el, scope);
scope.animation && createCSSAnimation(el, attrs, scope);
return createVNode(svgElType, + '', attrs);
Path: /src/graphic/shape/Rect.ts
// 这里在创建 Path
buildPath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, shape: RectShape) {
let x: number;
let y: number;
let width: number;
let height: number;
if (this.subPixelOptimize) {
const optimizedShape = subPixelOptimizeRect(subPixelOptimizeOutputShape, shape,;
x = optimizedShape.x;
y = optimizedShape.y;
width = optimizedShape.width;
height = optimizedShape.height;
optimizedShape.r = shape.r;
shape = optimizedShape;
else {
x = shape.x;
y = shape.y;
width = shape.width;
height = shape.height;
if (!shape.r) {
ctx.rect(x, y, width, height);
else {
// 这里在创建 圆角矩形的Path
roundRectHelper.buildPath(ctx, shape);
// 这里在创建圆角矩形的path
export function buildPath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D | PathProxy, shape: {
x: number
y: number
width: number
height: number
r?: number | number[]
}) {
let x = shape.x;
let y = shape.y;
let width = shape.width;
let height = shape.height;
let r = shape.r;
let r1;
let r2;
let r3;
let r4;
// Convert width and height to positive for better borderRadius
if (width < 0) {
x = x + width;
width = -width;
if (height < 0) {
y = y + height;
height = -height;
if (typeof r === 'number') {
r1 = r2 = r3 = r4 = r;
else if (r instanceof Array) {
if (r.length === 1) {
r1 = r2 = r3 = r4 = r[0];
else if (r.length === 2) {
r1 = r3 = r[0];
r2 = r4 = r[1];
else if (r.length === 3) {
r1 = r[0];
r2 = r4 = r[1];
r3 = r[2];
else {
r1 = r[0];
r2 = r[1];
r3 = r[2];
r4 = r[3];
else {
r1 = r2 = r3 = r4 = 0;
let total;
if (r1 + r2 > width) {
total = r1 + r2;
r1 *= width / total;
r2 *= width / total;
if (r3 + r4 > width) {
total = r3 + r4;
r3 *= width / total;
r4 *= width / total;
if (r2 + r3 > height) {
total = r2 + r3;
r2 *= height / total;
r3 *= height / total;
if (r1 + r4 > height) {
total = r1 + r4;
r1 *= height / total;
r4 *= height / total;
// 这里在执行 构建圆角矩形的指令
ctx.moveTo(x + r1, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - r2, y);
r2 !== 0 && ctx.arc(x + width - r2, y + r2, r2, -Math.PI / 2, 0);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - r3);
r3 !== 0 && ctx.arc(x + width - r3, y + height - r3, r3, 0, Math.PI / 2);
ctx.lineTo(x + r4, y + height);
r4 !== 0 && ctx.arc(x + r4, y + height - r4, r4, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + r1);
r1 !== 0 && ctx.arc(x + r1, y + r1, r1, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5);
Path: /src/core/PathProxy.ts
// 由于 PathProxy 的指令较多 这里只拿moveTo来举例
moveTo(x: number, y: number) {
// Add pending point for previous path.
this.addData(CMD.M, x, y);
this._ctx && this._ctx.moveTo(x, y);
// x0, y0, xi, yi 是记录在 _dashedXXXXTo 方法中使用
// xi, yi 记录当前点, x0, y0 在 closePath 的时候回到起始点。
// 有可能在 beginPath 之后直接调用 lineTo,这时候 x0, y0 需要
// 在 lineTo 方法中记录,这里先不考虑这种情况,dashed line 也只在 IE10- 中不支持
this._x0 = x;
this._y0 = y;
this._xi = x;
this._yi = y;
return this;
* 填充 Path 数据。
* 尽量复用而不申明新的数组。大部分图形重绘的指令数据长度都是不变的。
cmd: number,
a?: number,
b?: number,
c?: number,
d?: number,
e?: number,
f?: number,
g?: number,
h?: number
) {
if (!this._saveData) {
let data =;
if (this._len + arguments.length > data.length) {
// 因为之前的数组已经转换成静态的 Float32Array
// 所以不够用时需要扩展一个新的动态数组
data =;
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
// 这里复写了 data 中的指令行
data[this._len++] = arguments[i];
// 指令集
// const CMD = { M: 1, L: 2, C: 3, Q: 4, A: 5, Z: 6, R: 7};
// 构建 canvas path 指令集 的结果举例:
// [ 1, 16, -16, 2, 37.40794372558594, -16, 5, 37.40794372558594, 0, 16, 16, 4.71238898038469, 1.5707963267948966, 0, 1, 2, 53.40794372558594, 0, 5, 37.40794372558594, 0, 16, 16, 0, 1.5707963267948966, 0, 1, 2, 16, 16, 5, 16, 0, 16, 16, 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 5, 16, 0, 16, 16, 3.141592653589793, 1.5707963267948966, 0, 1 ]
// 翻译为 svg path 的 d 属性为
// [ "M16 -16", "L37.4079 -16", "A16 16 0 0 1 53.4079 0", "L53.4079 0", "A16 16 0 0 1 37.4079 16", "L16 16", "A16 16 0 0 1 0 0", "L0 0", "A16 16 0 0 1 16 -16"]
Path: /src/core/PathProxy.ts
// 这里的 ctx 已经不是类 canvas 的 ctx 而是类Svg的ctx
rebuildPath(ctx: PathRebuilder, percent: number) {
const d =;
const ux = this._ux;
const uy = this._uy;
const len = this._len;
let x0;
let y0;
let xi;
let yi;
let x;
let y;
const drawPart = percent < 1;
let pathSegLen;
let pathTotalLen;
let accumLength = 0;
let segCount = 0;
let displayedLength;
let pendingPtDist = 0;
let pendingPtX: number;
let pendingPtY: number;
if (drawPart) {
if (!this._pathSegLen) {
pathSegLen = this._pathSegLen;
pathTotalLen = this._pathLen;
displayedLength = percent * pathTotalLen;
if (!displayedLength) {
// 这里在遍历指令集
lo: for (let i = 0; i < len;) {
const cmd = d[i++];
const isFirst = i === 1;
if (isFirst) {
// 如果第一个命令是 L, C, Q
// 则 previous point 同绘制命令的第一个 point
// 第一个命令为 Arc 的情况下会在后面特殊处理
xi = d[i];
yi = d[i + 1];
x0 = xi;
y0 = yi;
// Only lineTo support ignoring small segments.
// Otherwise if the pending point should always been flushed.
if (cmd !== CMD.L && pendingPtDist > 0) {
ctx.lineTo(pendingPtX, pendingPtY);
pendingPtDist = 0;
switch (cmd) {
case CMD.M:
x0 = xi = d[i++];
y0 = yi = d[i++];
// 这里调用了svg的ctx的moveTo
ctx.moveTo(xi, yi);
case CMD.L: {
x = d[i++];
y = d[i++];
const dx = mathAbs(x - xi);
const dy = mathAbs(y - yi);
// Not draw too small seg between
if (dx > ux || dy > uy) {
if (drawPart) {
const l = pathSegLen[segCount++];
if (accumLength + l > displayedLength) {
const t = (displayedLength - accumLength) / l;
ctx.lineTo(xi * (1 - t) + x * t, yi * (1 - t) + y * t);
break lo;
accumLength += l;
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
xi = x;
yi = y;
pendingPtDist = 0;
else {
const d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
// Only use the farthest pending point.
if (d2 > pendingPtDist) {
pendingPtX = x;
pendingPtY = y;
pendingPtDist = d2;
case CMD.C: {
const x1 = d[i++];
const y1 = d[i++];
const x2 = d[i++];
const y2 = d[i++];
const x3 = d[i++];
const y3 = d[i++];
if (drawPart) {
const l = pathSegLen[segCount++];
if (accumLength + l > displayedLength) {
const t = (displayedLength - accumLength) / l;
cubicSubdivide(xi, x1, x2, x3, t, tmpOutX);
cubicSubdivide(yi, y1, y2, y3, t, tmpOutY);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(tmpOutX[1], tmpOutY[1], tmpOutX[2], tmpOutY[2], tmpOutX[3], tmpOutY[3]);
break lo;
accumLength += l;
ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
xi = x3;
yi = y3;
case CMD.Q: {
const x1 = d[i++];
const y1 = d[i++];
const x2 = d[i++];
const y2 = d[i++];
if (drawPart) {
const l = pathSegLen[segCount++];
if (accumLength + l > displayedLength) {
const t = (displayedLength - accumLength) / l;
quadraticSubdivide(xi, x1, x2, t, tmpOutX);
quadraticSubdivide(yi, y1, y2, t, tmpOutY);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(tmpOutX[1], tmpOutY[1], tmpOutX[2], tmpOutY[2]);
break lo;
accumLength += l;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
xi = x2;
yi = y2;
case CMD.A:
const cx = d[i++];
const cy = d[i++];
const rx = d[i++];
const ry = d[i++];
let startAngle = d[i++];
let delta = d[i++];
const psi = d[i++];
const anticlockwise = !d[i++];
const r = (rx > ry) ? rx : ry;
// const scaleX = (rx > ry) ? 1 : rx / ry;
// const scaleY = (rx > ry) ? ry / rx : 1;
const isEllipse = mathAbs(rx - ry) > 1e-3;
let endAngle = startAngle + delta;
let breakBuild = false;
if (drawPart) {
const l = pathSegLen[segCount++];
if (accumLength + l > displayedLength) {
endAngle = startAngle + delta * (displayedLength - accumLength) / l;
breakBuild = true;
accumLength += l;
if (isEllipse && ctx.ellipse) {
ctx.ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, psi, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
else {
ctx.arc(cx, cy, r, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
if (breakBuild) {
break lo;
if (isFirst) {
// 直接使用 arc 命令
// 第一个命令起点还未定义
x0 = mathCos(startAngle) * rx + cx;
y0 = mathSin(startAngle) * ry + cy;
xi = mathCos(endAngle) * rx + cx;
yi = mathSin(endAngle) * ry + cy;
case CMD.R:
x0 = xi = d[i];
y0 = yi = d[i + 1];
x = d[i++];
y = d[i++];
const width = d[i++];
const height = d[i++];
if (drawPart) {
const l = pathSegLen[segCount++];
if (accumLength + l > displayedLength) {
let d = displayedLength - accumLength;
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + mathMin(d, width), y);
d -= width;
if (d > 0) {
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + mathMin(d, height));
d -= height;
if (d > 0) {
ctx.lineTo(x + mathMax(width - d, 0), y + height);
d -= width;
if (d > 0) {
ctx.lineTo(x, y + mathMax(height - d, 0));
break lo;
accumLength += l;
ctx.rect(x, y, width, height);
case CMD.Z:
if (drawPart) {
const l = pathSegLen[segCount++];
if (accumLength + l > displayedLength) {
const t = (displayedLength - accumLength) / l;
ctx.lineTo(xi * (1 - t) + x0 * t, yi * (1 - t) + y0 * t);
break lo;
accumLength += l;
xi = x0;
yi = y0;
Path: /src/svg/SVGPathRebuilder.ts
// 由于 SVGPathRebuilder 的指令较多 这里只拿moveTo来举例
moveTo(x: number, y: number) {
this._add('M', x, y);
_add(cmd: string, a?: number, b?: number, c?: number, d?: number, e?: number, f?: number, g?: number, h?: number) {
const vals = [];
const p = this._p;
for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
const val = arguments[i];
if (isNaN(val)) {
this._invalid = true;
// 这里svg指令集中新增了新的指令
vals.push(Math.round(val * p) / p);
this._d.push(cmd + vals.join(' '));
this._start = cmd === 'Z';
Path: /src/svg/core.ts
// 这里渲染了 svg 标签
export function createVNode(
tag: string,
key: string,
attrs?: SVGVNodeAttrs,
children?: SVGVNode[],
text?: string
): SVGVNode {
return {
attrs: attrs || {},
的API之上抽象了一层指令层例如将moveTo(x, y)
,lineTo(x1, y1)
实现了一道canvas like
SVG - Text with background color and rounded borders - Stack Overflow