Ta4j is an open source Java library for technical analysis. It provides the basic components for creation, evaluation and execution of trading strategies.
About technical analysis:
Ta4j is available on Maven. You can create a Maven project in eclipse and add the ta4j dependency to the pom.xml file.
Another way could be to clone this git repository or to simply download this library and add the source code to your existing eclipse project.
In this quick example we will backtest a trading strategy over a price bar series.
At the beginning we just need a bar series.
// Creating a bar series (from any provider: CSV, web service, etc.)
BarSeries series = CsvTradesLoader.loadBitstampSeries();
After creating a BarSeries
we can add OHLC data and volume to the series:
// adding open, high, low, close and volume data to the series
series.addBar(ZonedDateTime.now(), 105.42, 112.99, 104.01, 111.42, 1337);
See the Bar Series and Bars section to learn about bar series and to know how you can construct one.
We can calculate indicator over this bar series, in order to forecast the direction of prices through the study of past market data.
// Getting the close price of the bars
Num firstClosePrice = series.getBar(0).getClosePrice();
System.out.println("First close price: " + firstClosePrice.doubleValue());
// Or within an indicator:
ClosePriceIndicator closePrice = new ClosePriceIndicator(series);
// Here is the same close price:
System.out.println(firstClosePrice.isEqual(closePrice.getValue(0))); // equal to firstClosePrice
// Getting the simple moving average (SMA) of the close price over the last 5 bars
SMAIndicator shortSma = new SMAIndicator(closePrice, 5);
// Here is the 5-bars-SMA value at the 42nd index
System.out.println("5-bars-SMA value at the 42nd index: " + shortSma.getValue(42).doubleValue());
// Getting a longer SMA (e.g. over the 30 last bars)
SMAIndicator longSma = new SMAIndicator(closePrice, 30);
Ta4j includes more than 130 technical indicators.
Then we have to build our trading strategy. Strategies are made of two trading rules: one for entry (buying), the other for exit (selling).
// Buying rules
// We want to buy:
// - if the 5-bars SMA crosses over 30-bars SMA
// - or if the price goes below a defined price (e.g $800.00)
Rule buyingRule = new CrossedUpIndicatorRule(shortSma, longSma)
.or(new CrossedDownIndicatorRule(closePrice, 800));
// Selling rules
// We want to sell:
// - if the 5-bars SMA crosses under 30-bars SMA
// - or if the price loses more than 3%
// - or if the price earns more than 2%
Rule sellingRule = new CrossedDownIndicatorRule(shortSma, longSma)
.or(new StopLossRule(closePrice, series.numOf(3)))
.or(new StopGainRule(closePrice, series.numOf(2)));
// Create the strategy
Strategy strategy = new BaseStrategy(buyingRule, sellingRule);
Ta4j comes with a set of basic trading rules/strategies which can be combined using boolean operators.
The backtest step is pretty simple:
// Running our juicy trading strategy...
BarSeriesManager seriesManager = new BarSeriesManager(series);
TradingRecord tradingRecord = seriesManager.run(strategy);
System.out.println("Number of positions (trades) for our strategy: " + tradingRecord.getPositionCount());
Here is how we can analyze the results of our backtest:
// Getting the winning positions ratio
AnalysisCriterion winningPositionsRatio = new PositionsRatioCriterion(PositionFilter.PROFIT);
System.out.println("Winning positions ratio: " + winningPositionsRatio.calculate(series, tradingRecord));
// Getting a risk-reward ratio
AnalysisCriterion romad = new ReturnOverMaxDrawdownCriterion();
System.out.println("Return over Max Drawdown: " + romad.calculate(series, tradingRecord));
// Total return of our strategy vs total return of a buy-and-hold strategy
AnalysisCriterion vsBuyAndHold = new VersusEnterAndHoldCriterion(new ReturnCriterion());
System.out.println("Our return vs buy-and-hold return: " + vsBuyAndHold.calculate(series, tradingRecord));
Trading strategies can be easily compared according to a set of analysis criteria.
Ta4j can also be used for live trading with more complicated strategies. Check out the rest of the documentation and the examples.