All those vector assets were exclusively made and optimized, for being used in Rive (ex Flare) animations, with free online tools. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International) license.
Note: at this moment (January 2020) there is still some problems with importing SVG designs in Rive, so there is no radial gradients used at all and linear gradients are reduced to necessary minimum.
Assets are made in free to use online editor called Gravit Designer (you don't need "Pro" features for it), then exported to SVG without background. After that, SVG files were optimized (to reduce the file size) and imported into the Rive. Due to technical reasons, I did not used all assets, in final animation file.
Also you can see something more about animation preparing, in “How it’s made” video — it can be found here:
Files you may looking for:
- Original Gravit Designer file is on the root of this folder, called clock.gvdesign.
- SVG files (optimized and untouched ones) are placed in SVG folder.
- SVG optimization profile can found in root of this folder, as SVGO.yml.
- Free OFL licensed font used in thermometer is called "Oranienbaum" and is available on Google Fonts, you can also find it in analog_clock/third_party folder.
- Animations source can be found on my Rive profile, you are free to fork it.
- Or you can take a look at exported binary FLR file in analog_clock/assets folder.