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Undefined Symbol Error #454

onurbagoren opened this issue Nov 12, 2021 · 2 comments

Undefined Symbol Error #454

onurbagoren opened this issue Nov 12, 2021 · 2 comments


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  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04
  • ROS Distro: Noetic and Melodic
  • Built from source or installed: Built from source
  • Commit hash: 66474bd

Expected behaviour
I am working with the Heron ASV and am attempting to integrate UUV sensors onto the robot.

I am attempting to add a camera to the Heron as an additional sensor. I added the following snippet of code to the robot description .xacro file:

  <!-- Add a camera link -->
  <link name="$(arg suffix_ns)camera_link" />
  <joint name="$(arg suffix_ns)camera_joint" type="fixed">
    <origin xyz="$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0)" rpy="$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_RPY 0.0 0.0 0.0)" />
    <parent link="$(arg suffix_ns)base_link" />
    <child link="$(arg suffix_ns)camera_link" />
  <!-- Mount a camera -->
    <plugin name="camera_controller" filename="">
      <robotNamespace>/$(arg namespace)</robotNamespace>
      <bodyName>$(arg suffix_ns)base_link</bodyName>
      <frameName>$(arg suffix_ns)camera_link</frameName>
      <topicName>/$(arg suffix_ns)camera/image_raw</topicName>
      <cameraName>$(arg suffix_ns)camera</cameraName>
      <cameraSrvName>$(arg suffix_ns)camera/camera_info</cameraSrvName>
      <cameraInfoTopicName>/$(arg suffix_ns)camera/camera_info</cameraInfoTopicName>
      <cameraInfoSrvName>$(arg suffix_ns)camera/camera_info</cameraInfoSrvName>
      <cameraInfoFile>$(find heron_description)/urdf/sensors/camera_info.yaml</cameraInfoFile>
      <cameraInfoFrame>$(arg suffix_ns)camera_link</cameraInfoFrame>
      <cameraFov>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_FOV 90)</cameraFov>
      <cameraPitch>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_PITCH 0)</cameraPitch>
      <cameraYaw>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_YAW 0)</cameraYaw>
      <cameraRoll>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_ROLL 0)</cameraRoll>
      <cameraX>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_X 0)</cameraX>
      <cameraY>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_Y 0)</cameraY>
      <cameraZ>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_Z 0)</cameraZ>
      <cameraZOffset>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_Z_OFFSET 0)</cameraZOffset>
      <cameraYawOffset>$(optenv HERON_CAMERA_YAW_OFFSET 0)</cameraYawOffset>

I was expecting to see topics published to the camera/image_raw channel, but instead received errors regarding undefined symbols in the gazebo::DepthCameraPlugin.hh shared library.

Actual behaviour
I ran into issues with undefined symbol from the gazebo::DepthCameraPlugin.hh shared library.
The error is as follows:
[Err] [Plugin.hh:212] Failed to load plugin /home/$USER/Simulators/uuv_simulator/devel/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTIN6gazebo17DepthCameraPluginE
There were earlier errors relating to this from two undefined functions from that shared library: void OnNewReflectanceFrame and void OnNewNormalsFrame. I wrote empty functions for them so I wouldn't get the undefined symbol error.
But this error, upon digging into it further with ldd, seems to point to the constructor of the constructor of the library public: DepthCameraPlugin();. This happened in both the Noetic and Melodic distros that I am testing with.

In addition, I am seeing this when I try to use the plugin as well.

To Reproduce
Provide the steps to reproduce:

  • Clone the Heron ASV Simulator repository, along with Heron ASV, Heron Controller and Heron desktop for RViz
  • Paste the snippet of code provided in the beginning of the Issue description to heron/heron_description/urdf/sensors.xacro.
  • In the uuv_simulator sensor plugins, add the following functions to UnderwaterCameraROSPlugin.hh:
    /// \brief Update the reflectance frame
    public: virtual void OnNewReflectanceFrame(const float *_reflectance,
                              unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height,
                              unsigned int _depth, const std::string &_format);

    /// \brief Update the normals frame
    public: virtual void OnNewNormalsFrame(const float *_normals,
                              unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height,
                              unsigned int _depth, const std::string &_format);
  • In the uuv_simulator sensor plugins, add the following functions to
void UnderwaterCameraROSPlugin::OnNewReflectanceFrame(const float *_reflectance,
  unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height,
  unsigned int _depth, const std::string &_format)


void UnderwaterCameraROSPlugin::OnNewNormalsFrame(const float *_normals,
  unsigned int _width, unsigned int _height,
  unsigned int _depth, const std::string &_format)
  • Run catkin_make and source the environment
  • On one terminal, launch a UUV world (i.e roslaunch uuv_gazebo_worlds mangalia.launch)
  • On a separate terminal, launch the heron with roslaunch heron_gazebo spawn_heron.launch
  • The error appears on the first terminal, where the world was launched

Other notes
In addition, I submitted this bug on the Heron Simulator repository as well and it appears that it seems to be something with UUV rather than Heron, as adding the standard to the robot worked fine.

I am looking for both recommendations on how to include a camera to the Heron, and how I would go about doing that. This has been my process so far, but if there are any faults or anything I am missing, please do let me know!
I am also looking for advice on how to resolve this Undefined Symbol error as well. Thank you!

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I am having the same issue, did you find a fix?

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@jake3991 sorry for the super late reply. I unfortunately was unable to resolve this issue and haven't been actively using UUV sim as of recently. If you come across a solution for it - please let me know!

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