TODO: Intro
Watch Nix for Everyone: Unleash Devbox for Simplified Development if you are not familiar with Devbox. Alternatively, you can skip Devbox and install all the tools listed in
Skip executing
devbox shell
if you are already inside the Shell from one of the previous episodes.
devbox shell
source .env
Watch The Future of Shells with Nushell! Shell + Data + Programming Language if you are not familiar with Nushell. Alternatively, you can inspect the
script and transform the instructions in it to Bash or ZShell if you prefer not to use that Nushell script.
./ setup idp_crossplane $HYPERSCALER
source .env
cat crossplane/repo.yaml
kubectl --namespace production apply --filename crossplane/repo.yaml
crossplane beta trace --namespace production githubclaim cncf-demo-app
Wait until all the resources are
git clone "$GITHUB_USER/cncf-demo-app"
cd cncf-demo-app
gh pr list
gh pr view init --json files
gh pr merge init --rebase
git pull
cat main.go
mkdir apps
cp ../crossplane/$HYPERSCALER-sql.yaml apps/silly-demo-db.yaml
cp ../crossplane/$HYPERSCALER-sql-password.yaml \
cat apps/silly-demo-db.yaml
cat apps/silly-demo-db-password.yaml
kubectl --namespace production apply \
--filename apps/silly-demo-db-password.yaml
kubectl --namespace production apply \
--filename apps/silly-demo-db.yaml
crossplane beta trace --namespace production \
sqlclaim silly-demo-db
cp ../crossplane/app.yaml apps/silly-demo.yaml
cat apps/silly-demo.yaml
kubectl --namespace production apply \
--filename apps/silly-demo.yaml
crossplane beta trace --namespace production \
appclaim silly-demo
Wait until all the resources are
kubectl --namespace production get all,ingresses
The Pod
because there is no image. We'll fix that later.
gh pr list
gh pr view silly-demo-ci --json files
gh pr merge silly-demo-ci --rebase
git pull
kubectl --namespace production delete \
--filename apps/silly-demo.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Apps"
git push
cd ..