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Deploy SDK Without Building QtAV

WangBin edited this page May 15, 2015 · 10 revisions

Since 1.5.0. OSX is supported now. Since 1.6.0, deploying QtAV SDK without source code and build is supported by prebuilt release packages.

Assume you are using 1.6.0 packages. **Make sure you have the same Qt major&minor version as QtAV release packages(1.6.0 use Qt5.4) and same same compiler(mingw or vc)`


  • Download player dmg package from sourceforge release or nightly(
  • Install player to /Applications
  • run /Applications/ ~/Qt5.4.0/5.4/clang_64/lib to install QtAV libraries to Qt library dir(here assume your Qt is installed in ~/Qt5.4.0) or just run /Applications/ and follow the guide

If you want to use QML module, you have to use QMLPlayer.dmg. But it does not contains QtAVWidgets module. It will be fixed later.

Linx and Windows

  • Download 1.6.0 installer and install
  • Goto install dir and run or sdk_deploy.bat(windows) and follow the guide

Test Your 1st Program

simpleplayer example is included in linux and windows installer. Open QTAV_INSTALL_DIR/src/simpleplayer/ in QtCreator and enjoy.

simpleplayer example is not included in OSX packages now. You can test source code from QtAV examples. For example, simpleplayer.

Change content of QtAV/examples/simpleplayer/ to

CONFIG -= app_bundle
QT += avwidgets av
SOURCES += main.cpp playerwindow.cpp
HEADERS += playerwindow.h

Then open in QtCreator. Choose a right Qt Kit with QtAV installed. Build and run.


  • Debug binaries
  • More platforms
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