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Use QtAV In Your Projects

WangBin edited this page May 15, 2015 · 24 revisions

For QtAV version >= 1.3.4, QtAV can be installed as a Qt5 module easily. Integrating QtAV in your project is very easy.

First, you have to build QtAV. Then go to building directory, you will find and (sdk_install.bat and sdk_uninstall.bat on windows). Run or sdk_install.bat to install QtAV as a Qt module.

OSX is a little different because the shared library id must be modified but just simply copy files. you have to run QtAV/tools/ Assume your Qt is installed in $HOME/Qt5.3, then run

qtav_src_dir/  qtav_build_dir/lib_mac_x86_64/QtAV*.framework  ~/Qt5.3/5.3/clang_64/lib

To use QtAV, just add the following line in your project

CONFIG += av

For Qt5, use the following works too

QT += av

In your C++ files, add

#include <QtAV/QtAV.h>

In addition, you must copy ffmpeg and portaudio/openal libraries to Qt dir manually. Otherwise your application may not able to run in QtCreator. On windows, put the the dlls in QtDir/bin. On linux, put in QtDir/lib

Since QtAV 1.5 QWidget based renderers are moved to a new module QtAVWidgets. If you want to use QWidget based renderers, for example OpenGLWidgetRenderer, in project file add

QT += avwidgets

In your C++ files, add

#include <QtAV>
#include <QtAVWidgets>

Make sure QtAV::Widgets::registerRenderers() is called before creating a renderer.

For QtAV < 1.3.4

It's easy to include QtAV in your project. Because it's pro file are well designed. For more information about the pro file i use, see my another project:

You can see examples in QtAV to know how to use QtAV, or follow the steps below


###1. Create a subdirs type project and a player project


TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS +=  libQtAV  myplayer
myplayer.depends += libQtAV
libQtAV.file = QtAV/

###2. Put QtAV to myproject

You can use git clone [email protected]:wang-bin/QtAV.git in myproject/, or copy QtAV to myproject/. It's recommend to use git so that you can checkout the latest code easily.

the directory now is


###3. Add libQtAV.pri in you player project
in myproject/myplayer/, add


###4. generate Makefile



qmake -r

###5. make
you player binary will be created in bin under build dir. If you are in windows, the QtAV dll also be there

Note: for windows user, if you run qmake(command line build. QtCreator uses qmake -r by default) you may run qmake twice. otherwise make may fail.

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