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Use QtAV In Your Projects

WangBin edited this page Dec 22, 2015 · 24 revisions

For QtAV version >= 1.3.4, QtAV can be installed as Qt5 modules easily. Integrating QtAV in your project is very easy.

  • Install QtAV SDK
  • Install without building QtAV
  • Or use the latest code and build yourself. Then go to building directory, or sdk_install.bat. OSX is a little different because the shared library id must be modified but just simply copy files. you have to run QtAV/tools/ Assume your Qt is installed in $HOME/Qt5.3, then run qtav_src_dir/ qtav_build_dir/lib_mac_x86_64/QtAV*.framework ~/Qt5.3/5.3/clang_64/lib
  • qmake Project

    To use QtAV, just add the following line in your Qt4 project

    CONFIG += avwidgets

    or add the following line in your Qt5 project

    QT += avwidgets

    (In Qt5, if QtWidgets module and QtAV widget based renderers are not required by your project, you can simply add QT += av)

  • C++ Code


    #include <QtAV>
    #include <QtAVWidgets>

    Make sure QtAV::Widgets::registerRenderers() is called before creating a renderer.

Try the Example

In the latest code, examples/simpleplayer_sdk is a complete example to show how to use QtAV SDK to write an multimedia app. You can use as a template.

Link Error

Because qt automatically rename the module if it's name contains Qt, so you may get cannot find -lQt5AVWidgets. As a temporary workaround, please manually rename to (windows is Qt5AV.lib or Qt5AV.a) in $QTDIR/lib. -lQt5AV error is the same.

It should be fixed in 1.9.0

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