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WangBin edited this page Feb 14, 2017 · 50 revisions

Supports mingw gcc, msvc(>=2013) for desktop and store, android, ios, meego, sailfish os etc. Just run

export FFSRC=/path/to/ffmpeg # if no ffmpeg source fold under this dir
./                 # build for host platform

You can pass arguments to the script, ./ $TARGET_OS $TARGET_ARCH.

For example

./ android armv7     # android armv7
./ ios arm64

You may have to set some vars in config-${TARGET_OS}.sh.

After building, the result headers and libs you need are in sdk-${TARGET_OS}-${TARGET_ARCH}

Host Build



MinGW Cross Build

Install mingw-w64 compiler on linux or macOS, run ./ mingw64 x86 or ./ mingw64 x86_64

Windows Desktop(MinGW/VC), Store, Phone

MSYS2 is required. Environment var MSYS2_DIR must be set, for example C:\msys64. Click a shortcut in tools dir. Follow the guide in the new shell window.

You can also start a vs prompt, go to msys' bin dir and run sh --login -i and ./ vc to build for desktop


Environment var ANDROID_NDK is required

./ android [armv5|armv7|x86]                         # gcc
android_toolchain=clang ./ android [armv5|armv7|x86] # clang


To build for 1 architecture, run

export FFSRC=/path/to/ffmpeg # if no ffmpeg source fold under this dir
./ ios armv7 # or arm64, i386, x86, x86_64 etc.

The result libraries are in sdk-ios-armv7.

To build s universal library supports all architectures (default are armv7, arm64, i386, x86_64), run

export FFSRC=/path/to/ffmpeg # if no ffmpeg source fold under this dir

The result libraries are in sdk-ios

Bitcode is enabled for devices by default. To disable bitcode, run BITCODE=0 ./ ... or BITCODE=0 ./ instead

Use ./ ios4.0 armv7 to set minimal supported iOS version (4.0 here)

Raspberry Pi Cross Build

Download toolchains and sysroot

The default gcc is arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc, sysroot is gcc sysroot. Set PATH to include gcc dir export PATH=$GCC_BIN_DIR:$PATH. Run ./ rpi or CROSS_PREFIX=your_prefix SYSROOT=your_sysroot ./ rpi.

Lite Build

Copy to Only frequently used features are enabled. Encoding is disabled except hardware accelerated encoders.

Prebuilt FFmpeg