Open sourcing Warp and business model #400
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I’m happy to discuss the pros and cons of different approaches in public on this issue. On Warp’s side, we are trying to balance competing factors as we figure out how, when and what to open-source. In favor of open-sourcing everything right now is our desire to:
In favor of us moving more cautiously are
My current best guess on how we will proceed is with a more restrictive license that
I would be curious to get feedback from our community on how they would feel about such a license or if there are other paths forward that might be better. Ultimately we will make a decision on this based on the needs of the company, but we value the feedback of our users as we figure out the path forward here. ** As a side note, we also plan on open-sourcing all of our extension points as we go - that seems less concerning from an IP perspective. These are things like our UI framework, themes, completions, and other ways we plan on making Warp a platform. For the UI framework in particular, we are waiting to implement some version of multi-platform support before open sourcing it - this will help us make sure the APIs are right before having others start to depend on it. |
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A license similar to Onivim 2 strikes me as a good idea for this. Copy-pasting from an older version of their README (they've since switched to MIT)
There was also an interesting thing not included in the Outrun Labs EULA, but in addition to it - a time-delay dual license. Commits from employees became MIT-licensed after 18 months in the master branch. Community contributions were MIT immediately. IMO this strikes a really good balance between a commercial product and being open source. The community can audit the code, contribute features, fix bugs, and reuse their code. Other companies can't legally take the main product and re-package it as their own. People who wouldn't buy the product anyway (basically just hobbyists like me and students) get to use it for free, but using it commercially would require a license. (Oni2 failed commercially not because of the license, but because a vim+vscode mix is a very hard sell to VCs. It's been switched to MIT now to encourage the community to take over. Warp doesn't share the same problem since the target market is literally every developer instead of like... 2000 people at most) |
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I am very much looking forward to being able to pay for Warp. Open source is a mechanism to provide assurance around the code but it might not be the best one. 1Password is a great example of a company that creates a lot of confidence in their security critical products without open sourcing much. Paying for third party audits might be a significant step forward. It's much more important that Warp build a sustainable business here than immediately open source. |
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Our business model is that we are free for everyone for now and will eventually experiment with different premium features for enterprise. Our model will NOT involve collecting or selling any data. The general philosophy is that we would never charge for anything a terminal currently does. So no paywalls around ssh or anything like that.The types of features we could eventually charge for are things that have a cost to us, like for example keeping an infinite searchable command history, or enabling real-time terminal collaboration. Even those though would probably be free to some level of usage and only charged in a company context. |
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I wouldn't mind getting only open-source licensed crates and leave branding crates entirely closed sourced. Open Source as a business model should have the right to earn money, IMO. |
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I'm curious if a GNU GPL 3.0 license would be a good fit in this case as it grants users an open and free usage/modifications but does not allow redistribution under different license which essentially will prevent companies making money from it. This is the most popular license in the general free open-source world so you don't have to reinvent the |
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I find this issue highly interesting. Are there any updates on this? I myself struggle with the same issue and, while grateful for OSS and wanting to give back, still need to make sure the business venture itself is successful. Because otherwise... well, I'd just lose lots of time that I'd otherwise have—to work on what I love. In the end, everyone needs to make a living somehow. |
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The technology in Warp looks impressive, but I can't imagine adopting infrastructure as fundamental as a terminal without it being Open Source. Not just "source available", actually Open Source. It would be like adopting a proprietary compiler, or a proprietary programming language: no matter what interesting features it might have, it's too dangerous to rely on and build upon (to the extent you even can build upon it). "Source available" licenses that aren't Open Source don't actually solve that problem. Feeling like you can rely on critical infrastructure includes the ability to patch downstream, or make security fixes, or adapt to different needs, or try large-scale experiments, or keep a project alive if discontinued or taken in a different direction upstream. Sometimes it's important to be able to innovate in ways that the original project didn't think of and didn't approve of (or didn't approve of initially). In practice, large Open Source projects rarely have forks; new forks that become successful often make the news, which makes them seem more prominent. I also want to note that you have more choices of license than just permissive licensing. The Rust community tends to primarily use and encourage permissive licensing ( Also, keeping the server proprietary and having a business model involving paid collaborative features seems completely reasonable. For any kind of hosted service, I want to be able to pay for it, so that I'm confident it'll stick around and be healthy, and never need to be tempted by alternate revenue streams such as ads and selling user data (which tend to go hand in hand). In any case, thank you for innovating in an area that has traditionally not gotten the benefit of substantial innovation! |
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I was excited when I found warp. However, I was very disappointed the moment when it requires an account to function. It is reasonable to require an account for any paid service, but require an account to just use a terminal does not sound right to me. What if the service is gone? Can we just have a branch dedicated as an OSS project and remove some advanced features that you think should be paid, so that we can use it without sign an EULA for the service? |
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I do not understand why you would release the source code after a certain number of installs; is this implying that open sourcing the project will slow new installs somehow? I feel like this does not make much sense. Of course, maybe it is just because you want to build the groundwork before others have the opportunity to use your codebase to make alternate projects, however, most people are likely to still use the main project if you implement features they desire, and respect their privacy. There are countless examples of this, and there is not an issue regarding open sourcing unless you break promises or create issues in development. I hope you take some of this into consideration, thanks. |
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The obvious choice is to simply have a very restrictive license, such that you give users the ability to see client-side code of the shell, fork it, develop plugins, help out, and do what they wish (so long as they do not compete). That eliminates fear from big business eating you alive, gives users the safety they need. Waiting for critical mass, as you say, is a really bad decision. You will stifle your growth with bad publicity and less adopters. Personally speaking, I would never touch the shell until it's FOSS. You're expecting 10,000,000 (ridiculous number even if arbitrary, btw) developers to disrespect their potential security and privacy, or be naive... Probably not the best bet to make against developers anywho. |
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open source and offer a linux version, if you really want this to fly. business model comes later IMO |
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A custom license should work, stating WRAP needs and business model. Also adding something like even if the project is redistributed it shouldn't be commercialized will be a cherry on top of the cake. This would make sure that, some random big company out there don't fork and make money out of it. I'm looking forward for the license! P.S building a SaaS product, kinda in the same situation |
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Several other commercial open-source projects have written articles explaining their choice of license. A common concern is "Getting eaten by a big company that copies and steamrolls the original project". I've compiled a list of them here.
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As a newcomer, I think it's almost impossible to trust a 3rd party terminal client if it's not open source. Especially one that makes you log in for whatever reason. No offense I liked the product, but we wrote soo many private things in our terminals
I can understand that you spend an enormous amount of effort to make this thing and you should be compensated, I wouldn't care about closed source generally if this wasn't a terminal. But for a terminal client, being open source is sort of the number 1 requirement for many people like me. |
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I am deeply saddened by the effort that is being wasted on this project. Look at waveterm as a better alternative. Beware people to stay away from the malware that Warp term is. The developers do not have your best intrest at heart. This is proprietary garbage that should be avaided. |
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Open sourcing this project under the GPL would be like Jesus wiping away its sin. I hope the developers have a change of heart, and realize how much it would mean to set project free, and break the chains of proprietary restrictiveness. |
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I just stumbled upon this project, was interested but I'll pass. The terminal emulator part should be open source. |
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man every dev is so disappointed in you guys. might as well remove any part on github |
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I will not type my passwords in a closed-source software. |
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Trust is necessary for a Terminal app. It is the main entry point for developers and devs have to write passwords and secrets in the terminal. Though it added a "Network log console", that is not a solution, because not everyone will always check it, and one day intentionally or unintentionally any feature introduced that sends all commands to the server, will be a nightmare. The owners should rethink how to provide trust or make it open-source with some other business model. Not all companies will allow developers to use closed-source terminals for their official work. It is well known. |
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Even though the project seems really interesting after a few tests, I'll wait for a decision regarding the license before considering replacing my usual terminal. |
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First and foremost you have created an absolutely awesome product. I've been having many ideas around features and you have brought a interesting product to market. BTW not just terminal this things everything app really. I dont understand how you expect to compete in the market place being closed source. "thats why you have to bullshit everyone about the open source dream". Common seriously vscode ?? I mean no disrespect, you may well make millions good luck to you. There are alot of competitors coming to market ALOT. You appear to have the "desire" to be a contributing part of our free and open source communities. PROVE IT ! At the moment your are not even competing in the real market the community are taking you at your word that you will be open sourcing the code. If you need a server component have one, FSF aren't going to be happy but they rarely are. Honestly i wish you nothing but success. |
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Really sad the status quo hasn't changed after so much time. It's not viable to use a closed source terminal. Good luck with the VCs, a closed source terminal is something neither me nor anyone I know would ever pay for. It's just insane from a security perspective, and if you can't convince your investors of that, you really need to re-evaluate your communication skills. Guess waveterm it is. |
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I have seen a new concept named "Fair Source". This may be a balanced solution.
from |
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They plan to make money with AI features and collaboration, right? Then they can just free the client but keep the server providing them private. So they won't lose money. |
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Waveterm is nothing like Warp. Doco site is completely broken, 157 open issues and bugs, can't connect to remote servers using the built in "Connect To..." feature (on my Mac), no workflows (the main feature I want!), no notebooks (another killer feature I want), no highlighting of previous commands etc. I don't need a built in web browser, directory lister + image and markdown viewer - that's what my OS is for. As much as I'd love Warp to be open source, Waveterm is not even close as a replacement, at least for me. |
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Found this project though Dave's Garage on YouTube today. I'm afraid I have to agree with everyone here:
Hope you manage to resolve this, I'll keep an eye out for notifications. |
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A closed source software that is pretending to be open source software on github. This is undoubtedly the most evil blasphemy a software developer can commit. |
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There’s now, check it out. Maybe it lacks a feature or two, but it’s a stellar terminal emulator with a lot of niceties. I really don’t miss anything Warp had. |
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Edit (after 3 years of waiting)
TLDR: Warp will likely never be source-available or open source. (But waveterm is open source and really similar)
Summary: Despite the initial responses below, I don't think the Warp owners (VC's) have any interest in removing the login requirement or making the source available in any form. I'd be happy to be wrong, but over the years that's what the writing-on-the-wall seems to say (even if some of the Warp devs feel differently).
Here's the original post:
Describe the solution you'd like?
Additional context
I'd like to kick off the conversation by saying I'm not opposed to non-open source software, I appreciate benefits like
However, as a end user, I don't want a core part of my workflow to be fully controlled by a single source. For example:
There are different possible solutions, the two that come to mind for me are:
Having well-defined legally-binding clause for when the code will become available. For example: "once we reach a __ ROI per member, we will release the code under XYZ license" or "once we have 10,000,000 installs according to app store metrics, we will release the code", etc
Having source-available code by uploading it with a very restrictive license. That way enthusiast/hobbyist coders can compile, patch, verify, and tinker but forks, redistribution, and resale are prevented.
I've just seen too many projects that go sideways, and I don't want the rug pulled out from under me after I learn to depend on something as essential as a terminal.
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