File tree
5,364 files changed
lines changed- ann/src/main
- java/com/twitter/ann
- faiss
- swig
- resources
- hnsw
- python/dataflow
- worker_harness
- scala/com/twitter/ann
- annoy
- brute_force
- common
- dataflow/offline
- experimental
- faiss
- featurestore
- file_store
- hnsw
- manhattan
- scalding
- benchmark
- offline
- faissindexbuilder
- indexbuilder
- indexbuilderfrombq
- serialization
- service
- loadtest
- query_server
- common
- throttling
- warmup
- faiss
- hnsw
- util
- thrift/com/twitter/ann
- common
- knn
- serialization
- ci
- cr-mixer
- server/src/main
- resources
- config
- scala/com/twitter/cr_mixer
- blender
- candidate_generation
- config
- controller
- exception
- featureswitch
- filter
- logging
- model
- module
- core
- grpc_client
- similarity_engine
- thrift_client
- param
- decider
- ranker
- scribe
- service
- similarity_engine
- source_signal
- util
- thrift/src/main/thrift
- docs
- follow-recommendations-service
- common/src/main/scala/com/twitter/follow_recommendations/common
- base
- candidate_sources
- addressbook
- base
- crowd_search_accounts
- geo
- ppmi_locale_follow
- promoted_accounts
- real_graph
- recent_engagement
- salsa
- sims
- sims_expansion
- socialgraph
- stp
- top_organic_follows_accounts
- triangular_loops
- two_hop_random_walk
- user_user_graph
- clients
- addressbook
- models
- adserver
- cache
- common
- deepbirdv2
- dismiss_store
- email_storage_service
- geoduck
- gizmoduck
- graph_feature_service
- impression_store
- interests_service
- phone_storage_service
- real_time_real_graph
- socialgraph
- strato
- user_state
- constants
- feature_hydration
- adapters
- common
- sources
- features
- models
- predicates
- dismiss
- gizmoduck
- health
- sgs
- user_activity
- rankers
- common
- fatigue_ranker
- first_n_ranker
- interleave_ranker
- ml_ranker
- ranking
- scoring
- utils
- weighted_candidate_source_ranker
- stores
- transforms
- dedup
- modify_social_proof
- ranker_id
- recommendation_flow_identifier
- tracking_token
- weighted_sampling
- utils
- server/src/main
- resources
- config
- quality/stp_models/20141223
- scala/com/twitter/follow_recommendations
- assembler/models
- blenders
- configapi
- candidates
- common
- deciders
- params
- controllers
- flows
- ads
- content_recommender_flow
- post_nux_ml
- logging
- models
- failures
- modules
- products
- common
- explore_tab
- configapi
- home_timeline
- configapi
- home_timeline_tweet_recs
- configapi
- sidebar
- configapi
- services
- exceptions
- utils
- thrift/src/main/thrift
- logging
- graph-feature-service
- doc
- src/main
- scala/com/twitter/graph_feature_service
- common
- server
- controllers
- handlers
- modules
- stores
- util
- worker
- controllers
- handlers
- modules
- util
- scalding/com/twitter/graph_feature_service/scalding
- adhoc
- thrift/com/twitter/graph_feature_service
- home-mixer
- server/src/main/scala/com/twitter/home_mixer
- candidate_pipeline
- controller
- functional_component
- candidate_source
- decorator
- builder
- urt/builder
- feature_hydrator
- adapters
- author_features
- content
- earlybird
- inferred_topic
- non_ml_features
- offline_aggregates
- twhin_embeddings
- offline_aggregates
- real_time_aggregates
- filter
- gate
- query_transformer
- scorer
- selector
- side_effect
- marshaller
- request
- timeline_logging
- timelines
- model
- request
- module
- param
- decider
- product
- following
- model
- param
- for_you
- candidate_source
- model
- param
- list_recommended_users
- feature_hydrator
- filter
- model
- param
- list_tweets
- model
- param
- scored_tweets
- candidate_pipeline
- candidate_source
- feature_hydrator
- marshaller
- model
- param
- query_feature_hydrator
- query_transformer
- response_transformer
- scorer
- scoring_pipeline
- side_effect
- service
- store
- util
- earlybird
- tweetypie
- content
- product-mixer
- component-library/src/main/scala/com/twitter/product_mixer/component_library
- candidate_source
- account_recommendations_mixer
- ads
- ann
- audiospace
- business_profiles
- cr_mixer
- earlybird
- explore_ranker
- flexible_injection_pipeline
- hermit
- interest_discovery
- lists
- people_discovery
- recommendations
- social_graph
- timeline_ranker
- timeline_scorer
- timeline_service
- timelines_impression_store
- topics
- tweetconvosvc
- decorator
- slice
- builder
- urt
- builder
- contextual_ref
- conversations
- flexible_injection_pipeline
- icon
- item
- ad
- alert
- article
- audio_space
- card
- commerce
- event_summary
- generic_summary
- icon_label
- message
- moment
- relevance_prompt
- suggestion
- tile
- topic
- trend
- tweet
- twitter_list
- unified_trend_event
- user
- metadata
- operation
- promoted
- richtext
- twitter_text
- social_context
- stringcenter
- timeline_module
- experiments/metrics
- feature/featurestorev1
- feature_hydrator
- candidate
- ads
- decay
- param_gated
- featurestorev1
- qualityfactor_gated
- tweet_is_nsfw
- tweet_tlx
- tweet_tweetypie
- tweet_visibility_reason
- query
- async
- cr_ml_ranker
- impressed_tweets
- logged_in_only
- param_gated
- featurestorev1
- qualityfactor_gated
- filter
- list_visibility
- tweet_impression
- gate
- any_candidates_without_feature
- model
- candidate
- ads
- hubble
- suggestion
- trends_events
- cursor
- feature/flexible_injection_pipeline
- presentation
- slice
- urt
- query/ads
- module
- cr_ml_ranker
- http
- pipeline/candidate
- ads
- flexible_injection_pipeline
- transformer
- who_to_follow_module
- premarshaller
- cursor
- slice
- builder
- urp
- builder
- urt
- builder
- scorer
- common
- cortex
- cr_ml_ranker
- deepbird
- param_gated
- qualityfactor_gated
- tensorbuilder
- tweet_tlx
- selector
- ads
- sorter
- featurestorev1
- side_effect
- metrics
- core/src/main
- java/com/twitter/product_mixer/core/product/guice/scope
- scala/com/twitter/product_mixer/core
- controllers
- feature
- datarecord
- featuremap
- asyncfeaturemap
- datarecord
- featurestorev1
- featurestorev1
- featurevalue
- functional_component
- access_policy
- candidate_source
- product_pipeline
- strato
- common
- access_policy
- alert
- predicate
- configapi
- registry
- decorator
- slice/builder
- urt/builder
- icon
- item
- alert
- topic
- tweet
- user
- metadata
- promoted
- richtext
- social_context
- stringcenter
- timeline_module
- feature_hydrator
- featurestorev1
- filter
- gate
- marshaller
- request
- response
- graphql/contextual_ref
- rtf/safety_level
- slice
- urp
- urt
- alert
- button
- color
- cover
- icon
- item
- article
- audio_space
- card
- commerce
- conversation_annotation
- event
- forward_pivot
- generic_summary_item
- highlight
- icon_label
- label
- message
- moment
- prompt
- suggestion
- thread
- tile
- tombstone
- topic
- trend
- tweet
- tweet_composer
- twitter_list
- user
- vertical_grid_item
- media
- metadata
- operation
- promoted
- reaction
- richtext
- timeline_module
- premarshaller
- scorer
- selector
- side_effect
- transformer
- gate
- model
- common
- identifier
- presentation
- slice
- urt
- marshalling
- request
- response
- rtf/safety_level
- slice
- urp
- urt
- alert
- button
- color
- contextual_ref
- cover
- icon
- item
- article
- audio_space
- card
- commerce
- conversation_annotation
- event
- forward_pivot
- generic_summary
- highlight
- icon_label
- label
- message
- moment
- prompt
- suggestion
- thread
- tile
- tombstone
- topic
- trend
- tweet
- tweet_composer
- twitter_list
- user
- vertical_grid_item
- media
- metadata
- operation
- promoted
- reaction
- richtext
- timeline_module
- module
- product_mixer_flags
- stringcenter
- pipeline
- candidate
- mixer
- pipeline_failure
- product
- recommendation
- scoring
- state
- step
- async_feature_map
- candidate_feature_hydrator
- candidate_source
- decorator
- domain_marshaller
- filter
- gate
- group_results
- pipeline_executor
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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