View the source for the
file here.
Compiled using fleck:
fleck -preprocessor-enabled -toc -toc-full -shell-macro-enabled -syntax -math
# 2023/05/02 15:07:09 warn: 'shell-macro-enabled' flag specified, this can harm your operating system and make it vulnerable for attack, proceed at your own digression
# 2023/05/02 15:07:09 info: preprocessor enabled, starting...
# 2023/05/02 15:07:09 warn: found @shell macro: '@shell{whoami}', executing 'whoami'
# 2023/05/02 15:07:09 info: executed 'whoami' command
# 2023/05/02 15:07:09 info: preprocessor finished, took 4.758821ms
# 2023/05/02 15:07:09 info: created temporary file: 'test.fleck'
# 2023/05/02 15:07:09 info: compiled 'test.fleck', took: 13.646223ms
This spits out the following:
Fleck implements the basic markdown features everyone needs, while extending markdown with the fleck dialect, which introduces several macros.
- Headers
- Blockquotes
- Blockquotes
- unordered Lists
- striketrough text
- to-do lists
- ordered lists
- highlighted text
- Code blocks
- Code inline
- Bold
- Italic
- Image
- Link
- horizontal ruler
Fleck supports blockquotes with titles. To specify a title for a blockquote, format it as follows:
> **Title**
> text
Fleck extracts the Title
in the first line of the blockquote between **
and **
After that all supported titles are colored and prefixed with a matching emoji.
Currently supported are:
- info
- warning
- danger
- note
- Fleck escapes html characters and does therefore not support inline html.
- Fleck uses prism to provide syntax highlighting for code blocks
- Fleck uses katex to provide rendering for mathematical expressions
- Fleck minifies the output html by default
- Fleck provides a default template for the compiled html to be written to
- Fleck allows the user to view their markdown via a live preview, which recompiles after changes and reloads the page