Install necessary packages
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libexpat-dev libgmp-dev \
libssl-dev libpcap-dev byacc flex git \
python-dev python-pastedeploy python-paste python-twisted
Compile vswitch
- DPDK version
$ cd lagopus
$ ./configure
$ make
- raw socket version
$ cd lagopus
$ ./configure --disable-dpdk
$ make
Install lagopus package
$ sudo make install
Install necessary packages
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-pip python-dev \
libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
Using pip command is the easiest option:
$ sudo pip install ryu
Or install from the source code if you prefer:
$ git clone git://
$ cd ryu; sudo python ./ install
The kernel modules built are available in the build/kmod directory.
Loading the kernel module
$ sudo modprobe uio
$ sudo insmod ./src/dpdk/build/kmod/igb_uio.ko
$ sudo insmod ./src/dpdk/build/kmod/rte_kni.ko
Make hugepages available to DPDK. You can setup hugepage with two ways:
- Manual confguration (Hugepage size: 2MB)
$ sudo sh -c "echo 256 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages"
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/huge
$ sudo mount -t hugetlbfs nodev /mnt/huge
- Script configuration
Add hugepages option of the linux kernel to reserve 1024 pages of 2 MB.
Add the following line to /etc/fstab so that mount point can be made permanent across reboots
nodev /mnt/huge hugetlbfs defaults 0 0
Check PCI ID to enable DPDK on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th NIC.
If NIC used for management (ex: ssh) was selected, you will lose connection.
$ sudo ./src/dpdk/tools/ --status
Network devices using IGB_UIO driver
Network devices using kernel driver
0000:02:01.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' if=eth0 drv=e1000 unused=igb_uio *Active*
0000:02:02.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' if=eth1 drv=e1000 unused=igb_uio
0000:02:03.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' if=eth2 drv=e1000 unused=igb_uio
0000:02:04.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' if=eth3 drv=e1000 unused=igb_uio
Other network devices
Unbound NICs from ixgbe driver.
$ sudo ./src/dpdk/tools/ --bind=igb_uio 0000:02:02.0 0000:02:03.0 0000:02:04.0
Check the current status of NICs whehter the 2nd, 3rd and 4th interface is registerd with igb_uio driver
$ sudo ./src/dpdk/tools/ --status
Network devices using IGB_UIO driver
0000:02:02.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' drv=igb_uio unused=e1000
0000:02:03.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' drv=igb_uio unused=e1000
0000:02:04.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' drv=igb_uio unused=e1000
Network devices using kernel driver
0000:02:01.0 '82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' if=eth0 drv=e1000 unused=igb_uio *Active*
Other network devices
Sample Lagopus configuration (DSL format) is "misc/examples/lagopus.dsl".
NOTE: lagopus.dsl file must be located at the same directory of the executable of lagopus vswitch or the following directory.
% sudo cp misc/examples/lagopus.dsl /usr/local/etc/lagopus/
% sudo vi /usr/local/etc/lagopus/lagopus.dsl
Usually, edit and commit configuration via "lagosh" interactive shell.
% lagosh
Lagosh> configure
Configure# edit
(Input configuration by invoked text editor such as vi.)
Configure# commit
Configure# save
- Example:
- Use DPDK port 0, 1, and 2 for Lagopus vswitch
- OpenFlow controller is ""
interface {
interface01 {
type ethernet-dpdk-phy;
port-number 0;
interface02 {
type ethernet-dpdk-phy;
port-number 1;
interface03 {
type ethernet-dpdk-phy;
port-number 2;
port {
port01 {
interface interface01;
port02 {
interface interface02;
port03 {
interface interface03;
channel {
channel01 {
controller {
controller01 {
channel channel01;
bridge {
bridge0 {
dpid 1;
port port01 1;
port port02 2;
port port03 3;
controller controller01;
- CPU core: 1 and 2
- Number of memory channel: 1
- NIC port: 0 and 1
- Packet processing workers are automatically assigned to CPU cores.
- Run in debug-mode
$ sudo lagopus -d -- -c3 -n1 -- -p3
- CPU core: 1 - 7
- core # 2 for I/O RX
- core # 3 for I/O TX
- core # 4, # 5, #6, # 7 for packet processing
- Memory channel: 2
- NIC port: 0 and 1
- Run in debug-mode
$ sudo lagopus -d -- -cfe -n2 -- --rx '(0,0,2),(1,0,2)' --tx '(0,3),(1,3)' --w 4,5,6,7
- CPU core: 1 - 15
- Memory channel: 2
- NIC port: 0, 1, 2
- Worker assignment is automatic
- FIFOness option to ensure packet-ordering in flow-levle
$ sudo lagopus -- -cfffe -n2 -- -p7 --fifoness flow
- -d : (Optional)
- Run in debug mode
- -- : (Optional)
- run in daemon mode
- -v|--version : (Optional)
- Show version
- -h|-?|--help : (Optional)
- Show help
- -l filename |--logfile filename : (Optional)
- Specify a log/trace file path [default: syslog]
- -p filename | --pidfile filename : (Optional)
- Specify a pid file path [default: /var/run/]
- -C filename | --config filename : (Optional)
- Specify a configuration file (DSL format) path
- -c : (Mandatory)
- Speicify which CPU cores are assigned to Lagopus with a hex bitmask of CPU port to use
- Example: Only CPU core 0 and core 3 are assigned, then let bit0 and bit3 on. 0x1001 (binary) = 9 (Hexadecimal)
- -n : (Mandatory)
- Specify number of memory channel which CPU supports
- Range: 1,2,4
- Example: a CPU supports dual memory channlel
- -m :(Optional)
- Specify how much Hugepage memory is assigned to Lagopus in mega byte. Maximum hugepage memory is assigned if no option is specified.
- Example: Use 512MB for Lagopus
-m 512
- --socket-mem : (Optional)
- Specify how much Hugepage memory for each CPU socket is assigned to Lagopus in mega byte. This option is exclusive with -m option
- --no-cache :
- Don't use flow cache [default: use flow cache]
- --fifoness TYPE :
- Select packet ordering (FIFOness) mode [default: none]
- none :
- FIFOness is disabled
- port :
- FIFOness per each port.
- flow :
- FIFOness per each flow.
- Example: Specify flow-level FIFOness
--fifoness flow
- --hashtype TYPE :
- Select key-value store type for flow cache [default: intel64]
- intel64 Hash with Intel CRC32 and XOR (64bit)
- city64 CityHash (64bit)
- murmur3 MurmurHash3 (32bit)
- Example: Use CityHash
- Select key-value store type for flow cache [default: intel64]
--hashtype city64
- --kvstype TYPE:
- Select key-value store type for flow cache [default: hashmap_nolock]
- hashmap_nolock:
- Use hashmap without reader and writer lock
- hashmap:
- Use hashmap with reader and writer lock
- ptree:
- Use patricia tree
- Example: Use patricia tree for key-value store
--kvstype ptree
Dataplane of Lagopus provides two options to assign CPU core and packet processing worker. These options are exclusive.
- -p PORTMASK : (mandatory)
- hexadecimal bitmask of ports to be used
- Example: Use port 0 and port 1
- number of packet processing worker [default: assign as possible]
- System assigns CPU core automatically.
- Example: Use total 8 cores for data plane
- --core-assign TYPE:
- Select automatically core assign policy [default: performance]
- performance:
- Don't use HTT core. (e.g. use only 8 cores on 8C16T processor)
- balance:
- Use HTT core (e.g. use 16 cores on 8C16T processor)
- minimum:
- Use only one core.
- performance:
- Select automatically core assign policy [default: performance]
Current Lagopus limitation: youngest core number can not be specified among available CPU cores.
List NIC RX assignment policy of NIC RX port, queue, and CPU core with the combination of (PORT, QUEUE, CORE) and ","
- Port number [0 - n]
- Queue number [default: 0]
- CPU core number
Example: Assign port 0 to CPU core #2 and port 1 to CPU core #3
--rx '(0,0,2),(1,0,3)'
--tx "(PORT,CORE),(PORT,CORE),...,(PORT,CORE)" :
List NIC TX assignment policy of NIC TX port and CPU core with the combination of (PORT, CORE) and ","
- Port number [0 - n]
- CPU core number
Example: Assign port 0 TX to CPU core #4 and port 1 TX to CPU core #5
--tx '(0,4),(1,5)'
- --w "CORE, ..., CORE" :
- List of the CPU cores for packet processing with ","
- Example: Assign CPU core 8 - 15 for packet processing
--w '8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15'
Lagopus provides CLI for management. Current implementation is limited. Show port, flow table, controller and bridge name are supported
Lagopus has the developer's mode build to proceed unit tests in Lagopus. Details can be found docs/
You can enable developer mode with the following configure option.
$ ./configure --enable-developer
To conduct developer's mode, you should install the following packages:
- ruby
- Unity (a unit test framework)
- gcovr