Filing tax returns can be hard, especially if the IRS is involved, you're not an American citizen, and/or you are no longer in the US. Of course, when all three of these apply, it's also during a pandemic. Go figure.
This file is an imperfect and probably futile attempt to catalogue all the little details and gotchas that I will immediately repress once this year's returns are safely sent.
I'll probably never actually do this in practice, it's very much a "do as I say, not as I do" situation.
- Save a copy of last year's tax returns.
- Put all related tax documents in one space:
- bank statements
- pay statements
- Keep a digital version of said documents.
- Make note of:
- address changes
- dates abroad
- all bank accounts and funds and such, including branch contact information (address and phone number)
- Start early, like, really really early
- Take a look at last year's return
- What's changed?
- Possibly hire professionals ahead of time
- Let them know about any exceptional circumstances (e.g. foreign investments)
Here are the mailing addresses for various IRS offices if you use services like DHL
For DHL: make a shipping label here (and not any other DHL website, they have tons), one for each envelope/location
You WILL need a phone number for each IRS office - check here, under Section
The cost (399kr) includes a DHL envelope that easily fits multiple regular A4 papers/envelopes inside, or you can use your own
You get a 10-digit code for each label - bring your mail and your code(s) to the nearst service point (that’s where you can get a DHL envelope if you want)
You MUST do the shipping label business at home on your laptop (it’s ridiculously hard on a phone) before you go to the service point
When you get to the service point, give them the code. They'll print out the label (and give you envelopes if you need them)
Stick the shipping labels on the envelopes and hand off the envelopes
The person will give you a "receipt" (which for me was a sticker for each tracking code/envelope)
You can now track the package's progress
If you make a mistake on the shipping label, nothing can be done until you’ve sent the packet off. (It might depend on what it is, for me the phone number was wrong.)
In the meantime:
- Write out the (correct) address and phone number on the envelope/packet itself
- Once you send it off, call DHL's Tracking Department (
), press 2 (not 9, which is the generic English line) - they'll let the driver know what the changes are. They are only open during business hours.
If you're a US citizen or resident alien (e.g. green card holder) living in a foreign country, your US tax returns should be mailed to:
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Center Austin, TX 73301-0215 USA
However, IF you are enclosing a cheque or money order, mail the return to:
Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 1303 Charlotte, NC 28201-1303 U.S.A.
Approved private delivery services: DHL, FedEx, UPS
If using private delivery services, the mailing address is different!
- Private delivery services cannot deliver items to IRS P.O. boxes - must use the USPS to mail any items to an IRS P.O. box address.
DHL, at least, requires a phone number for the recipient.
"Taxpayer service, formerly offered at the foreign posts of duty, is no longer available." [source]
[todo] W8-BEN?
[todo] sending stuff through DHL