The current build status, immediate-term plans, and future goals of this repository.
We welcome feature requests as edits to the "Backlog" section below.
Before editing this file, please check out How To Contribute to it's a quick read :)
Also take a second to check that your feature request is relevant to Sails core and not one of its dependencies (e.g. Waterline, one of its adapters, one of the core generators, etc.) If you aren't sure, feel free to send the PR here and someone will make sure it finds its way to the right place. Note that (for now) core hooks reside in Sails core and so relevant feature requests for a specific hook do belong in this file.
Release | Install Command | Build Status |
npm install sails |
edge | npm install sails@git:// |
Our short-to-medium-term roadmap items, in order of descending priority:
(feel free to suggest things)
Feature | Owner | Details |
---|---|---| 1.0 | @mikermcneil | upgrade to 1.0 |
Lock + unlock app in dev env | @mikermcneil | Capability for a hook to "lock" and/or "unlock" the app (in a development env only). When "locked" all requests are intercepted by an endpoint which responds with either a page or JSON payload communicating a custom message. e.g. so the grunt hook can let us know as it syncs. e.g. sails.emit('lock') |
Hook dependency/load order mgmt | @mikermcneil | rebase the hook dependency+optional depenency system originally proposed by @ragulka |
Standalone router | @mikermcneil | replace express dependency in lib/router with standalone router- either routification or @dougwilson's new project |
Standalone view renderer | @mikermcneil | Use @fishrock123's standalone views module (enables views over sockets) |
Standalone static middleware | @mikermcneil | use static middleware directly in lib/router (enables static files over sockets) |
Request interpreter: Full stream support | @mikermcneil | Use new manufactured req/res streams in lib/hooks/sockets (this adds full streams2 compatibility to our integration, or more generally for any type of attached server) |
Break out core hooks into separate modules | @mikermcneil | Makes Sails more composable, and removes most of its dependencies in core. Also allows for easier sharing of responsibility w/ the community, controls issue flow |
The backlog consists of features which are not currently in the immediate-term roadmap above, but are useful. We would exuberantly accept a pull request implementing any of the items below, so long as it was accompanied with reasonable tests that prove it, and it doesn't break other core functionality.
Feature | Owner | Details |
Watch+reload controllers, models, etc. w/o re-lifting | @jbielick | Reload controllers/models/config/services/etc. without restarting the server. Show a "rebuilding" page while re-bootstrapping. |
Support for multiple blueprint prefixes | @mnaughto | balderdashy#2031 |
SPDY protocol support | @mikermcneil | balderdashy#80 |
Sockets hook: drop-in Primus alternative | @alejandroiglesias | balderdashy#945 |
Have a sails migrate or sails create-db command |
@globegitter | For production environments it would be nice to have a save/secure command that creates the db automatically for you |