Using these hacks may result in a month-long or permanent ban from Blooket. IF YOU GET BANNED, IT ISN'T OUR FAULT. These hacks might be Add "Currency" hacks. Thus the reason they aren't on here due to getting players banned.
If you missed this and are currently banned, we can't actually do anything (there is no script). Scripts can only interact with the site in certain ways, and unbanning isn't possible with one.
Make sure to star this project! ✨
- Schoolcheats IP logger: This is UNCONFIRMED but @VillainsRule4000 is looking into it.
UPDATE: Schoolcheats does use your IP. Whether these IPs are logged through hacks or website access is unknown. Privacy Policy - Schoolcheats - TRY THE DISCUSSIONS!
- There is a Google Site (with a few scripts).
- WE HAVE OVER 20 STARS! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Thank you so much, it wouldn't be possible without you guys. :)
- Find the URL bar when you are on the Blooket page (Gold Quest Chest ESP, for example, would be placed on the game. Global scripts are global.)
3. Type " **javascript:** " 4. Paste the script in. The URL should something look like this: 5. Click 'Enter'
6. For LIVE GAMES, you are done. For GLOBAL SCRIPTS (ex. preformed on Dashboard), refresh your page.
Thank you to @Snowflake-Coder-H2o for:
- Sell Duplicate Blooks Hack
Thank you to @NotZastix for:
- Get all Blooks Hack
Thank you to @lol-jude for:
- Answer All Questions Correctly / AnswerBot Hack
- Set weight/Fishing Frenzy hack
Thank you to @BilbertRules for:
- Host Anticheat Hack
Thank you to @qaiik for:
- Fishing Frenzy Best Possible Hack
- Crypto Autoanswer
- Crypto Mod
- Gold Quest Mod
- Classic Mod
Thank you to for a few other hacks (Include but are not limited to: Token/XP, Spam Boxes)
If any of the hacks need to be updated, ask either @Hankypoo7, @Snowflake-Coder-H2o, @Tech219, or @isthatyourfaceoryourassicanttell