Hermes is a clone of the Strava app. As such it is best utilized to track your physical exercise and allows you to make customized routes using Google maps.
Technologies stack:
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL Database
- JavaScript
- React/Redux
- Google Maps Javascript API
- Google Maps Directions Service
Using the Google Maps API, Hermes allows you to:
- Create a custom route, with google map directions.
- Edit an existing route
- Custom markers for every stop
- A dynamic caluclator that shows distance and estimated time for every marker added.
const _self = this;
const waypnt = this.points.slice(1);
const request ={
origin: this.points[0].location,
destination: this.points[this.points.length -1].location,
waypoints: => ({location: point.location})),
travelMode: 'BICYCLING'
this.directionsService.route(request, function(result,status){
if(status === 'OK'){
- Everytime that a route is created, a static url is also automatically created.
The code for this was:
const route = directions.routes[0];
let image = ``;
const color = `&path=color:red|weight:2|`
const enc_polyline = `enc:${route.overview_polyline}`;
const polyline = route.overview_polyline;
image += color + enc_polyline + '&key=';
image_url: image,
encoded_polyline: polyline
- This uses the encoded polyline that is provided through the Google Maps API. This encoded polyline is also used in the update feature, which maps a previous route and lets you change it. ###Workouts
- You can add a workout manually
- After a workout is added you can easily edit it.
- I will be adding a user's dashboard soon as well as user profile pictures.
- Users will be able to friend each other and see their friends' workouts on their page.
- Users can comment on each other's workouts.