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AOSmium - The AXP.OS Browser

The AXP.OS documentation can be found: here


  • This repository contains the compile scripts, patches, and prebuilt WebView providers
  • The WebView here is not meant to be used as is, but compiled into an OS
  • Standalone versions might be build as well
  • Integration config:
    • easily by using EXTENDROM (EXTENDROM_PACKAGES="AXP.OS_WebView64" or "AXP.OS_WebView32")
    • manually by adding its signature to your overlay of frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml


CI/CD has been implemented in 2 workflows:

  1. building: .gitea/workflows/build.yaml
  2. signing: .gitea/workflows/sign.yaml


Building will be triggered when:

  • trigger-build.txt changes

trigger-build.txt can be used as a workflow trigger only but also to configure the build process itself (see the inline comments).

Signing + Release


Signing will be triggered when:

  • prebuilt/*/browser-unsigned.apk changes
  • ˋprebuilt/*/webview-unsigned.apkˋ changes
  • trigger-release.txt changes
  • a build finished (as that will change the apk's)

increasing the counter in trigger-release.txt is usually not needed (as it runs anyways on apk pushes and one can trigger a workflow manually within the actions tab) but kept as an alternative method to force the signing + release process.


Releases will be created automatically during the Signing workflow above.

  1. Releases will be set to pre-release as every build needs to be (mannually) tested first
  2. Pre-releases need to be set as stable manually
  3. The signed releases will be created on the Codeberg mirror only and are available here

CI/CD Signature

This app is signed by the AXP.OS app key


  • Minimizing anti-features
  • Included patches must be very simple to minimize maintenance
  • Becoming a "privacy" browser is out of scope, use Mull instead


  • x86 and x86_64 will not be provided
