What the project does?
This project focuses on UN goal 15, which aims to protect, restore, and promote sustainably managed forests. The website is designed for an audience aged 35-45 years old. It showcases the damage that we are causing to nature through a scrollytelling experience. Let's work together to create a better world for all of us.
Why the project is useful?
This project is valuable because it raises awareness about the damaging effects of human activities on the forest and emphasizes the importance of protecting it. By educating people about the real consequences of climate change and other environmental issues, it encourages informed decision-making that benefits the planet.
How users can get started with the project?
To get started with the project, create a new branch from the master branch. You can then make improvements or changes to the site. At the end, submit a pull request that needs to be verified before merging the changes into the master branch.
If you only want to run the project, you can clone it using the link https://github.com/AdvancedCSS2023/assignment-3--scrollytelling-group-8.git and open it in Visual Studio Code.
You can also go to github pages to see the website https://sebastianhaugen.github.io./
Where users can get help with your project?
If users need help with the project, they can reach out to 1 of the contributors if they have any questions.
Which technology is used?
The technology used for this project includes HTML, CSS and SCSS, with some JavaScript used for intersection observer API that is used for creating the scrollytelling experience.
The maintains and contributes to the project?
The project was created as a portfolio project in Advanced CSS at NTNU and is maintained by Sebastian S. Haugen.