The project is a scrollytelling experience that highlights the impacts of deforestation. It is aimed to educate adults between the age of 35 – 45 about deforestation by visualizing how deforestation effects animals and humans alike. Additionally, the project serves as a platform to promote The Nature Conservancy's initiatives in nature preservation.
The project is useful for us as it helps us develop our coding skills while also gaining experience using Git/GitHub. It also provides a visually engaging way to present the impacts of deforestation and to promote conservation efforts.
- Clone the project to your local enviroment using git clone or go to and press "Open in Visual Studio Code"
- Open the index.html file by running a live server with the live server plugin in Visual Studio Code or open it in a browser
- Make a new branch from master
- Commit changes to the new branch and pubish it to github
- Make a pull request for merging the new branch with master
To report issues and bugs in the project, or suggest enhancements:
- Go to the Issues section in the Repository on Github.
- Click on “New Issue”.
- Write a detailed explanation of the issue.
- Click “Submit” to create the Issue.
To get help contributing to the project, please reach out to one of the contributors on Github.
The project is developed using mostly HTML and CSS/SASS. The project also utilizes some Javascript, particularly the Intersection Observer API. The codebase is hosted on Github.
The project is developed and maintained by students in the Advanced CSS course at NTNU.
The main contributors are:
- Andreas Christiansen
- Sander Byenstuen