What the project does This product is a story telling website that shows how important it is to take care of the environment because the ice is melting on the north pole where animals live. This story is inspired on the UN´s sustainable goal nr 14, life under water.
Why the project is useful Our project is useful because it can prevent the ice melting, water full of trash and global warming, we also talk about how the reader can help the planet.
How users can get started with the project The projects start when you begin to scroll downwards
Where users can get help with your project Users can click on the picture of nr 14 goal to go to the main Un site to read more about the subject (Does not work on the website because something is blocking the img)
Which technology is used HTML, CSS/SCSS and JavaScript
Who maintains and contributes to the project Nora Lundquist, Guro Karlsen and Martin Heggholmen
There were some things we could´t figure out with the media queries, we tried to make it as responsive as possible but could not figure out hoe to get the bottom text smaller (Nora send you a teams message on it without a replay on the problem) The SVG of the polobear/iceberg is for some odd reason taking up a lot of space and is causing the MQ to have a large margin space on the right side of the screen. (also send a message about this with no luck)