This plugin helps to create Android Studio project for Android system apps to leverage the IDE and tools millions developers use.
- This is the first prototype.
Developing Android system apps can be painful because there are no specific IDE optimised for it.
- Build this plugin or download a release .
- Open Android Studio > Help > Find action > "Install plugin from disk"
- Chose the plugin jar.
- Use the plugin menu item AndroidSysApp to Open a project in concern.
- Source dir is where the source code of the project, it should include AndroidManifest.xml.
- Project dir is where the project will be created
- This can be sepreated from your source code to avoid complicating the git repo.
- If the folder you enter does not exsit, it will create one.
- Press OK to create and open the project.
- If you wish to edit build.gradle template, go to Settings in Android Studio > Tools > ASAP: Android system app plugin
You can build or change the plugin by Android Studio.
- If you want the plugin to lauch with Android studio instead of Intellij, edit alternativeIdePath in build.gradle to your IDE path
- The plugin jar is under \android_sys_app_plugin\build\libs