An RGB LED neon project using 3d printed parts and custom AVR-based controller board with included software.
Printed circuit board design (one-layer) files can be found inside '/pcb'. It was created in KiCad open-source EDA. The design includes all the parts names, package formats, and source schematic. It can all be found by opening ''. file.
The controller board uses a popular MCU, an ATmega168p. Software source can be found inside '/src'. Compile using the included shell script, or create a makefile for yourself. The binary file '/src/bin/out.bin' can be directly uploaded to a matching MCU by using the '' script - it assumes your serial-usb converter is connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 and that your MCU has a USART capable bootloader. Modify if needed.
Can be found inside '/resource_3d'. Those are all Blender files. All necessary STL exports are already made and contained within stl_* folders. Slice using your favourite tool, and print! (All models are optimised to fit a PRUSA Mini or bigger - min. work area of 175 x 175 x 175mm).