Releases: Avaiga/demo-stock-visualization
Releases · Avaiga/demo-stock-visualization
Release 1.0.2
Back to 3.1
Release 1.0.1
5000 for port
Release 1.0
Update to most recent develop version
What's Changed
- Update the Docker GitHub Actions workflow file for develop. by @infrastructure-management in #8
- Update the Docker GitHub Actions workflow file for production. by @infrastructure-management in #7
Full Changelog: 0.1.1...0.1.3
pre-release 0.1.2
Merge pull request #7 from Avaiga/bot/docker-github-action-production Update the Docker GitHub Actions workflow file for production.
Merge pull request #6 from Avaiga/bot/docker-github-action-production Update the Docker GitHub Actions workflow file for production.
What's Changed
- Stylekit by @FlorianJacta in #1
- Merge branches by @FlorianJacta in #2
- Feature/doc#986 - Document best practice on main script by @trgiangdo in #3
- Update readme and add dockerfile by @florian-vuillemot in #4
- Update the Docker GitHub Actions workflow file for develop. by @infrastructure-management in #5
New Contributors
- @FlorianJacta made their first contribution in #1
- @trgiangdo made their first contribution in #3
- @florian-vuillemot made their first contribution in #4
- @infrastructure-management made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: