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Releases: Beit-Hatfutsot/dbs-back


13 Sep 06:44
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  • revert back to production (master) branch - without the clearmash changes
  • dockerize the api web app


08 Aug 12:30
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  • should not raise exception in case of items from unknown collection
  • #215 added support for images field - returned by image and search apis (if exists in source doc)

Deployment (done on dev)

  • Need to modify elasticsearch index mapping
    • either drop your index and create new
    • or use put mapping to update an existing index
      • something like this (replace the host and index name):
      • curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/index_name/_mapping/common?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"properties":{"images":{"type": "object"}}}'


25 Jul 12:04
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  • #207 get item API should return related documents
    • added related_documents field to get item API response
    • it contains dict of related document categories (source dependant), each with the related documents data (as received for search results)
  • #212 fixed linkify api for items with missing title in a lanauge
  • added docker + minor improvements to elasticsearch index creation


12 Jul 14:30
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  • #201 preliminary support for getting item data from new ES, based on slug
  • #203 add slugs attribute + general fixes for ES indexing
  • #205 Fix limitation with title suggest field mapping which caused sync to fail
  • #209 fix wizard search to work with the new ES data
  • #208 add google embed map url to get item API (only for clearmash items which have it)

deployment (to dev)

drop index and recreate index mapping (to allow full re-sync with slugs)

gcloud compute ssh bhs-dev-3
sudo su -l bhs
# stop the pipelines
cd mojp-dbs-pipelines
make docker-stop
# delete the index
curl -X DELETE
curl -X DELETE
# create the index
cd ../api
PYTHONPATH=. env/bin/python scripts/


21 Jun 12:17
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  • #162 added linkify API docs
    • this API receives a block of html (or text) and returns all the places / personalities / family names which appear in that text (title and url for each item)
  • #188 APIs should use data from new pipeline
    • modified APIs to handle the new data schema, mostly search API
    • pipelines content_html is converted to content_text - currently it only converts br html elements to new lines
    • /geo/places and linkify apis were modified to use elasticsearch
    • elasticsearch index creation was modified to match the new schema
    • tests were skipped, until we fix the data / expand the features of the new data schema

deployment notes

  • switched elasticsearch to use next-mojp-dev-index-1


12 Jun 12:50
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  • #187 apply boost for search results according to collection

deployment to production

dbs-back$ git checkout master && git pull bh master
dbs-back$ git pull bh 0.13.3
dbs-back$ git push bh master


08 Jun 08:44
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  • API response includes a URL for each image of an item
  • #181 General search results include persons using all text params (including unified place params).
  • #180 Persons advanced search API supports unified place field search param.


24 May 08:41
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DevOps Changes

  • fabfile: keep python env directory between installations - in case OS / environment specific dependencies are installed manually, otherwise they are removed each time


16 May 12:29
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In This Release

  • #167 Added Suggestions to API documentation

    • Added documentation for suggestions includes general search box suggestions, and wizard search boxes suggestions (familyNames and places)
  • #165 API returns image URLs according to source, leading to AWS s3 (for external sources) or gs for BH/BHP pictures.

    deployment notes:
    In order to implement these modifications:

    • Production server_app configuration file should be updated.
    • bagnowka items should be inserted to production databases (Mongodb and ES)
  • Fix: v1_endpoints shows error log messages.

deployment notes

  • Production server_app configuration file should be updated
    • @Libisch - please edit more specific instructions, which file should be editted (/etc/bhs/app_server.yaml?) what's the value that should be added?
  • bagnowka items should be inserted to production databases (Mongodb and ES)


24 Apr 15:07
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0.12 final release

includes the changes from the following releases: 0.12.0, 0.12.1, 0.12.2, 0.12.3, 0.12.4, 0.12.5, 0.12.6

important notes

  • this release requires deleting all data in Elasticsearch and then recreating it from Mongo - this process can take a few days and complicates the deployment
  • however (if everything goes according to plan), no down-time is expected

summary of changes

  • fixed suggest api to support the frontend suggest feature
  • major refactoring and bug-fixing in the sync of items between mongo and elasticsearch
  • changes to ensure proper indexing in Elasticsearch - to support search requirements
  • added persons (family trees) data to elasticsearch with support for searching from the general search
  • improvements and bug fixing in the API docs -

check the releass notes for more specific changelog

production deployment plan


  • ssh bhs-prod
  • edit nginx conf - change the docs alias
    • sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/bhs_api
    • add _build to the docs alias
  • edit /etc/bhs/app_server.yaml
    • add attribute elasticsearch_data_index with value of the mongo db name
  • create bhs-prod-db server
  • copy latest dbs-back version on that server and configure the environment
    • wget
    • extract, create venv, install requirements etc..
    • create /etc/bhs/app_server.yaml - can copy from bhs-prod server
  • create new elasticsearch index
    • scripts/ --index mojp-prod-`date +%Y-%m-%d`
  • copy all items from mongo to the new ES index - for all collections except persons
    • scripts/ --add --index mojp-prod-`date +%Y-%m-%d` --collection places
    • scripts/ --add --index mojp-prod-`date +%Y-%m-%d` --collection familyNames
    • scripts/ --add --index mojp-prod-`date +%Y-%m-%d` --collection personalities
    • scripts/ --add --index mojp-prod-`date +%Y-%m-%d` --collection movies
    • scripts/ --add --index mojp-prod-`date +%Y-%m-%d` --collection photoUnits
    • had to manually delete some invalid data from mongo:
      • db.persons.remove({"_id": ObjectId('581f46d776f102629df5eb8f')})
  • create an alias for the index
    • curl -X PUT localhost:9200/mojp-prod-`date +%Y-%m-%d`/_alias/mojp-prod
  • make sure elasticsearch instance is accessible from bhs-prod



  • update the persons data - will take a long time
    • scripts/ --add --collection persons