Turn on lto for the release build #1757
Move to Commit state if enough precommits are collected #1771
Fix a step regression bug in Tendermint::worker::new_blocks #1772
Add Commit message in Tendermint #1770
Fix possible regression issue caused by ProposeWaitEmptyBlockTimer
Remove compose and decompose transaction #1775
Import following downloaded blocks if the preceding block is already queued #1786
If the best block is not changed don't move to the next height #1789
Call new_blocks even though block verification queue is not empty
Fill the missing fields in the Transaction spec #1790
Remove order #1782
Remove locks in VoteCollector #1797
Stop generating block if consensus cannot make a seal #1792
Handle multiple proposals in a view correctly in Tendermint #1793
Make the order of votes consistent
Do not panic when height, view or step is changed while creating a block #1795
You can’t perform that action at this time.