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Bug Report

Kwang Yul Seo edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 1 revision

This document describes how to write a good CodeChain bug report. Good bug reports help developers and quality assurance (QA) people decide an appropriate priority and severity for a bug, and increase the chance that a bug will be fixed quickly. The more specific information you can provide, the better.


Please select the CodeChain version you were using when the bug occurred, or the closest matching version.


If you know the precise cause of a bug (i.e., you’ve reduced it to a failing test case and know the reason), then you can assign a bug to a specific component such as consensus or network.


A good summary explains the problem in clear and specific terms, but is often concise enough to fit within the title space in GitHub issue. One should be able to tell exactly what a bug is about just by reading the summary.


Write a more detailed explanation of the problem

Tips for Descriptions:

  • Do not include more than one bug in one bug report.
  • Look at the system console and include any messages that might be relevant in the bug.
  • Include the backtrace if you get a crash, if possible.
  • Include a screenshot for visual bugs.
  • Be as specific as possible.

Depends on

If the fix for this bug depends on another bug fix, put the other bug’s number.


If this bug blocks another bug from being fixed, put the other bug’s number.