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Module DB Interface

Junha Yang(양준하) edited this page Jul 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

Coordinator interface

pub trait DbContext {
	type Value = Vec<u8>;
	type Key = AsRef<[u8]>;

	fn get(storage_id: u16, key: Key) -> Option<Value>;
	fn set(storage_id: u16, key: Key, value: Value);
	fn has(storage_id: u16, key: Key) -> bool;
	fn delete(storage_id: u16, key: Key);
	/// Create a recoverable checkpoint of this state
	fn create_checkpoint();
	/// Revert to the last checkpoint and discard it
	fn revert_to_the_checkpoint();
	/// Merge last checkpoint with previous
	fn discard_checkpoint();
  • DB subspace can be generated with key-prefix when connecting modules
  • get go through the following steps
    • Context resolves the DB subspace corresponding to the storage_id
    • If exists, fetch the byte expression of the corresponding value from DB subspace
  • set go through the following steps
    • Context resolves the DB subspace corresponding to the storage_id
    • Set the value utilizing set method in the subspace
  • Modules will execute transactions within a block following their own rules. Modules respond to the deliverBlock only once so the checkpoint and revert functionality cannot be provided by the coordinator automatically.
  • create_checkpoint
    • It creates a top level db check point in case of a reversion
  • revert_to_the_last_checkpoint
    • Revert a module state back to the last check point
    • Called when runtime errors occur during a transaction execution

SubStorageAccess (DB seen from Module)

  • DB subspace for modules are created by key-prefixing in a merkle-trie
    • set and get calculate actual db key(address) by prefixing after hashing
    • Coordinator level StorageId will have a type of u16 and it is more convenient for applications to use String type for StorageId
    • Top-level database manages map from higher level ModuleIds to lower level ModuleIds
    • Module DB occupies ModuleId prefixed subspace out of the whole Trie
  • check_point and revert
    • Making check points and reverting are required for runtime-failing transactions
  • Cache layer
    • Before committing state transitions, the db operations are performed at the Cache layer
    • Cache layer support check_point and revert for tentative state transitions
  • Commit
    • persist state transitions to disk
  • application_state_root
    • Top Level state manages merkle root of each modules and renew the application merkle root to respond Commit in abci.