Practice part from Rahul Shetty's Playwright course.
- node.js up to date;
- within package, there is the ExcelJS library imported for some tests that grab and pass excel data "exceljs": "^4.4.0"
Description: APiUtils - classes that get tokens and create orders (backend stuff mostly) placeholderTestData.json - test data to be used and passed within tests test-base.js - test login data, additional ones can be added and picked up within tests state.json - storing cookies from API within tests to be picked up and used (skipping the login part of tests -> win time)
config file for normal run; ex cmd: npx playwright test
config1 file for custom runs; ex cmd: npx playwright test tests/RS_ClientAppPO.spec --config playwright.config1.js --project=safari
tagging tests, to run just web/api tests // @Web --> tagged test // can run with npx playwright test --grep @Web
Run an explicit run session (ex: regression, web, api)
- within package.json add the runs you want to have set up;
- cmd: npx run webApi
- just a diferent way of reporting shown
- need jdk 17 or jdk21
- in cmd run:
- download jenkins.war
- navigate to where that file is installed
- cmd: java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090
- can use diferent port, check one that is not in use
- in Jenkins:
- new project, can add gitRepo path or from localhost with setting a custom path
- build steps -> Window(s) batch command OR Execute Shell (macOS) 2.1. input command to be executed: npm run regression
- save -> Build Now
- open up job -> console output for details
Setup Typescript:
- install cmd: npm install -D typescript
usefull typescript comands-cmd:
- cmd: tsc demo.ts --> generates demo.js
- to run in cmd: cmd: node demo1.js
updates needed:
- apiUtils and test-base need to be updated to TS file and format;
- PageObjects files -> init locators and variables used in tests
install cmd @ project level: cmd: npm install @cucumber/cucumber
cucumber plugin in VSC:
- File>Settings>Preferences>Extensions: Cucumber Gerkin
- restart system
- setup project
create a 'features' folder (cucumber will look for that)
write a feature file in project level --> features
- test will have .feature extnsion
- test will have the given-when-then structure
- create step definition file (with used tag -> description)
- link steps to actions
- skeleton can be defined by cucumber by default when trying to run the feature file for 1st time
- can run by cmd: npx cucumber-js
- this will execute node_modules->.bin-> cucumber-js
- will show in terminal what/how is missing
- can run by cmd: npx cucumber-js
- skeleton can be defined by cucumber by default when trying to run the feature file for 1st time
- test will have .feature extnsion
inside the features folder, create 'step_definitions' folder
- inside it, write 'steps.js' this will be where you partition existing test(s) and write all steps
- can add code within the coresponding brackets -- marked with write code here
- if you have await in your code-block, make the function async
- eliminate the return line;
WORLD constructor:
- use of this. to access classes across when/then blocks;
- add timeout if a block might take more than 5seconds to loadup
npx cucumber-js --exit to run (will run in headless mode)
- with the exit argument will come out of terminal
can add cucumber.js file
- add instructuions to it, on how to behave when running tests;
create the support folder for HOOKS
- with before: create the setup part
- with after: close and cleanup environment, cookies
- can use BeforeStep/AfterStep to take a screenshot (if step fails);
running an explicit cucumber features-test set: cmd: npx cucumber-js features/ErrorValidations.feature --exit
- can use this to create syntax after it WILL fail 1st time
use of tags: tags: @Regression / @Validation (with more than one tag, set one under the other) cmd: npx cucumber-js --tags "@Regression" --exit
5.1. tagged hooks:
- tags can be used in hooks, so that they will run ONLY into certain test groups (ex: in hooks use regession tags to run regression setup)
- can also set OR clauses Before({tags: "@foo or @bar"}, function(){ ////});
PARAMETRIZATION: @feature, instead of Scenario --> Scenario Outline
to encapsulate in brackets <> the code will pick up examples/parameters Examples: | username | password | | [email protected] | Password1 |
Paralel execution:
- test-scenarios can be run paralelly (but within a .feature-file); they cannot run 2x .feature-files at the same time cmd: npx cucumber-js features/Ecommerce.feature --parallel 2 --exit
- Reports: cmd: npx cucumber-js features/Ecummerce.feature --exit --format html: cucumber-report.html
- reports can be done in json, html, text format based on extension you pass
- flaky tests can get rerun-retry with parameter:
cmd: --retry 1
- can be done in either cmd or the cucumber.js file
- can add the cmd within the package.json within the script-line area
- cmd: npm run cucumberRegression