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MineboxAddition is a Minecraft Fabric Mod for version 1.21.3 that introduces exciting features for your Minebox gameplay !


  • Durability indicator for Haversacks and Harvesters
  • Alerts when shops open
  • Alerts when there is a full moon
  • Realtime network features

Every feature can be enabled or disabled, some are disabled by default, so be sure to check out the mod settings before going in-game !

Network features informations

When using the mod network features, some informations are sent to the server to keep track of your session and to handle some server-sided translations.

The informations used are :

  • Your Minecraft username
  • Your Minecraft UUID What's that ?!
  • Your Minecraft client lang

These informations are NOT stored anywhere, and gets automatically erased from RAM when your session ends (when you disconnect from Minebox)

Available locales

  • FR
  • EN


Minecraft 1.21.3

Fabric Loader 0.16.10

Fabric API

Cloth Config API

Optional but highly recommended

Mod Menu

Download and Installation

  • Download the latest release from here
  • Drop the downloaded jarfile to your \mods folder and you're all set !

Be sure you have downloaded the correct version of Fabric Loader and the required dependencies otherwise you may have an error upon starting the game.

Building from sources

Clone the repository

git clone


./gradlew build


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

  • Fork the repository
  • Create a new branch
  • Commit your changes
  • Open a pull request


For questions or support, please open an issue on Github or contact me on Discord (dampen59)