This repository uses the language C to solve problems found online. Problems including: Functions, Conditional Statements, Projects
and more.
Programming is a hobby of mine and I don't find my self stopping anytime soon.
Using CMD in administrator mode:
- Download and unzip the latest version of using this link:
- Copy cs50.c and cs50.h into the same directory as program you downloaded
- Type the program name in CMD and press enter
- Download and unzip the lastest version library50.tar.gz using this link:
- Open Applications > Utilities > Terminal, and navigate your way to the CS50 Library’s directory, as with cd.
- Extract the archive using the command
$ tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
- Enter the commands:
$ cd ./<Folder Archive was exracted in>
$ sudo make install
- Go to the directory the C program was downloaded and type
$ ./filename
Projects is a special folder containing more complex lines of code.
In this folder there will be a seperate Readme explaining:
- What the program does
- A breakdown of how the program works
- An example of how to use it