One way of sequencing the code.
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In the world of science, programming and formulae, there is the concept of finite automaton1, so called finite-state machine or just state machine — the abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time — and it is the only purpose of this project's existence.
And this state machine, can provide to you the solutions for your task at the same time in a limited way, but also infinite potential — abstract problems call for abstract solutions, this is the philosophy of this project.
Project is created and “written” with help of:
Before asking questions, read this block because here is all the primary information on the project, which can answer your future not-yet asked questions.
For usage of this project just as it is for your repository, there is no direct requirement for Node.js.
But, for contributing to this project, we highly recommending following those prerequisites:
- Installed Node.js on your desktop on which you will edit/setup this project;
- Installed Python if you want to contribute to the scripts of this project (in terms of .PY scripts);
- Any potentional IDE or text-editor with .NET native support (better if with support of NUGET), like “Visual Studio” and etc.;
https://code.visualstudio.com/ - Installed .NET SDK on your working machine: direct requirement BOTH for contributing and using the project.
Permission is granted for free use in any of your products.
If you want to use this project, there are multiple ways to download-and-use this project: two “official” and direct, so, let's start from simplest official path:
Process of installation within NUGET package manager in VS:
- Open project in IDE with .NET native-support;
- Use the specified package manager in your IDE (in VS - find this in upper hotbar):
if we talking about VS, load project via solution explorer and then proceed with "Project → Manage Nuget Packages" and then navigate through UI with help of:
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/install-use-packages-visual-studio/ - Write the name of this package into packages browser;
- download the required for you version through the menu and package is ready-to-use.
If you are interested in importing DLL of this package into your project, read this article:
Guidelines for direct-installation way:
- Download last tag on project's repository, for the last ZIP-tarball link provided below:
download latest release- or just download the source-code through "Code → Download ZIP (or any option that you want)", and proceed to the next step;
- Within downloaded ZIP (or project), clone everything and paste to the directory of your project via "copy+paste" procedure;
- Add namespace as dependency for your own namespaces (in case if you cloned the source into your project) and the project is ready-to-use.
Guidelines for installation of source code of this project:
- Clone the repository with any form of app which supports git (or CLI of this site), guide is attached:
https://www.howtogeek.com/451360/how-to-clone-a-github-repository/ - Open it with any suitable for you editor and feel free to customize, update and/or contribute to this project2.
As it was stated in introduction about the project, this solution provides very abstract and hard-to-use (advanced) interpretation of state machine and it could be used in alike abstract code representations, but for basics:
- Staging any function, method (and requests which are represented by them) with states and shifts;
- Interpretating the steps of any code and configs within advanced internal analytics engine inside the stateflows assemblers;
- Staging not just functions and methods, but entire logic and messaging system via state-usage logic of project.
For usage instructions:
- Download and install this project into your's one with help of installation guides3;
- Now, you can continue to work on your project with this package's data in it.
Before preparing to contribute on the project, initialize entire repository via initialize and prepare commandlets of NPM (through either bash or powershell):
# Installing every dependency for package:
npm i
# Using prepare script for this repository:
npm run prepare
- Create basic repository infrastructure for this project, including:
- basic .MD documentations and dealings stuff (like README, LICENSE and etc.);
- scripts and actions within CI/CD for supporting high-quality of this project;
- Write and publish the demo (pre-release) version of project, including the most basic logic of this one.
- Write the documentation for this demo-project and:
- make it one as archive for technical docs purposes (hyperlinking directive);
- Refactor and prepare for “advancing” the project's logic and write an entire functionality of it.
- Refactor and prepare for “advancing” the project's documentation and publish it via the archive.
Contributions are what make open source community such an interest place to be in, so any form of contribution are greatly appreciated.
If you think that you can help this project become better but think its not so important/realizable in the current situtation or for a full contribution, use issues page, otherwise there is a guideline and policy for contributing.
If you want to contribute to this project, please, read contributioning policy and commit convention, this repository works with CLA, commits convention and on automated deployment system4.
For one-single file contributioning, use a more quicker way without forking the repository through website.
More about it in this article:
- “Working with forks” about syncing one-file fork;
Project thanks the Electron.js and Angular.js for their amazing repository scripts and entire infrastructure, which partially were imported to this repository.
Project itself is being distributed under the MIT License — see the file for more specified information.
For any legal purposes, you can contact developer/maintainer through its e-mail:
If the developer/maintainer didn't answered, or you have other questions in nature, you can use issues page on this repository via specified templates or indirect self-written issue.
- https://shields.io/
- https://simpleicons.org/
- Electron.js
- https://gitignore.io/
- https://gitattributes.io/
- Best README template
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/
for contributing policy, see — CONTRIBUTING.md ↩
read the files of commiting convention policy and contributioning policy ↩