Multiple chrome extensions that hopes to speed up the tasks within MMU CliC.
- MMU student with "Active" current student status ONLY.
- Chrome browser & Firefox ONLY (for now).
- Go to Chrome Web Store and search up "SassyNic" -- SassyNic
Timetable table's navigation: Arrow keys (Left & Right) or ('p' & 'n')
Timetable enroll button: 'e' or 'Enter' key
- Javascript
- Chrome API
- Firefox API
- Backtracking
- Genetic (only fitness function part)
Release Notes, Version Support
GNU General Public License v3.0
Hackerspace MMU and Prof. Linda Chua @ MMU Cyberjaya
- Go to Chrome Web Store and search for "SassyNic". Click Add to Chrome to install. For
, there's .xpi files in Installation
- Yes, you need to be an MMU student with an Active current student status and use the Chrome browser (for now).
- Currently, Chrome is the only supported browser.
- Checkout Wiki for more detaild information.
- About half a year.
2nd year
andMaybe No
, kindly check out Privacy Policy section4. Security
andMaybe No
: because it's proven byAlgorithms
usingMathematical Formula
.Maybe No
: becauseSassyNic
highly relies on CliC MMU's data accuracy, any slight changes to the data especially itsHTML
structure can potentially affect the data accuracy thatSassyNic
is going to display, hence please use at your own risk.
, it's currently only forMMU
students. But I would love to integrate with other universities if the website has similar logics.
, as long as you're following this guideline and you know what you're doing.