Discover the world of "Kernel Programming" and learn how to create your very own Kernel from scratch.
This project is the first in a serie of 10 projects, introducing into the Kernel world. This first project is a very basic kernel with some features.
Is based on a i386 (x86) architecture.
- Color support
- Keyboard handler
- Helper 'printk'
- Scroll and cursor support
- Different screens helper and keyboard shortcut
- Create Iso image from kernel binary
- F1: go to previous screen
- F2: go to next screen
- Cursor in position before changing screen (actually, it's going to end of buffer)
- Fix deletion for \n and \t
- Clean code for .h please
- Store files in different folders (in src/kernel)
- Control deletion on terminal (keep in memory the last char that can be deleted)
- Check for TODO in code
NB: you can use the dependencies.txt to install all necessaries packages. sudo apt/dnf install $(cat dependencies.txt)
$ nasm -f elf32 boot.asm -o boot.o
$ gcc -m32 -c kernel.c -o kernel.o
$ ld -m elf_i386 -T link.ld -o [your kernel name] boot.o kernel.o
It is recommended to name your kernel with the formal: kernel-<version>
. I named mine "kernel-kfs.1.rleseur".
make run-kernel
qemu-system-i386 -kernel [your compiled kernel]
Take the last Debian ISO and make a VM in virtualbox.
Clone the repo in it.
Copy the compiled kernel in
directory. -
Modify the
and add an entry:
menuentry 'My Kernel' {
set root='hd0,msdos1'
multiboot /boot/[your compiled kernel] ro
- Reboot and select
My Kernel
make iso
$ mkdir -p /iso/boot/grub
$ cp [your compiled kernel] /iso/boot
$ cp grub.cfg /iso/boot/grub
$ grub-mkrescue -o [your iso name] iso
make run-iso
qemu-system-i386 -cdrom [your iso]
The BIBLE, for basic kernel:
The BIBLE 2, for keyboard:
For keyboard scancodes:
For another system of keyboard, color and build iso image:
To move the cursor: