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Unitful Quantities in JAX

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Unxt is unitful quantities and calculations in JAX, built on Equinox and Quax.

Unxt supports JAX's compelling features:

  • JIT compilation (jit)
  • vectorization (vmap, etc.)
  • auto-differentiation (grad, jacobian, hessian)
  • GPU/TPU/multi-host acceleration

And best of all, unxt doesn't force you to use special unit-compatible re-exports of JAX libraries. You can use unxt with existing JAX code, and with quax's simple decorator, JAX will work with unxt.Quantity.


PyPI version PyPI platforms

pip install unxt
using uv
uv add unxt
from source, using pip
pip install git+https://
building from source
cd /path/to/parent
git clone https://
cd unxt
pip install -e .  # editable mode

Read The Docs

Quick example

import unxt as u
import jax.numpy as jnp

x = u.Quantity(jnp.arange(1, 5, dtype=float), "km")
# Quantity['length'](Array([1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=float64), unit='km')

The constituent value and unit are accessible as attributes:

# Array([1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=float64)

# Unit("m")

Quantity objects obey the rules of unitful arithmetic.

# Addition / Subtraction
print(x + x)
# Quantity['length'](Array([2., 4., 6., 8.], dtype=float64), unit='km')

# Multiplication / Division
print(2 * x)
# Quantity['length'](Array([2., 4., 6., 8.], dtype=float64), unit='km')

y = u.Quantity(jnp.arange(4, 8, dtype=float), "yr")

print(x / y)
# Quantity['speed'](Array([0.25      , 0.4       , 0.5       , 0.57142857], dtype=float64), unit='km / yr')

# Exponentiation
# Quantity['area'](Array([0., 1., 4., 9.], dtype=float64), unit='km2')

# Unit checking on operations
    x + y
except Exception as e:
# 'yr' (time) and 'km' (length) are not convertible

Quantities can be converted to different units:

print(u.uconvert("m", x))  # via function
# Quantity['length'](Array([1000., 2000., 3000., 4000.], dtype=float64), unit='m')

print(x.uconvert("m"))  # via method
# Quantity['length'](Array([1000., 2000., 3000., 4000.], dtype=float64), unit='m')

Since Quantity is parametric, it can do runtime dimension checking!

LengthQuantity = u.Quantity["length"]
print(LengthQuantity(2, "km"))
# Quantity['length'](Array(2, dtype=int64, weak_type=True), unit='km')

    LengthQuantity(2, "s")
except ValueError as e:
# Physical type mismatch.

unxt is built on quax, which enables custom array-ish objects in JAX. For convenience we use the quaxed library, which is just a quax.quaxify wrapper around jax to avoid boilerplate code.


Using quaxed is optional. You can directly use quaxify, and even apply it to the top-level function instead of individual functions.

from quaxed import grad, vmap
import quaxed.numpy as jnp

# Quantity['area'](Array([ 1.,  4.,  9., 16.], dtype=float64), unit='km2')

print(jnp.power(x, 3))
# Quantity['volume'](Array([ 1.,  8., 27., 64.], dtype=float64), unit='km3')

print(vmap(grad(lambda x: x**3))(x))
# Quantity['area'](Array([ 3., 12., 27., 48.], dtype=float64), unit='km2')

See the documentation for more examples and details of JIT and AD



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