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The game server wrapper, also known as gswrapper or gsw, can be used to run a game server executable from within the container image that runs your GameFabric Armadas or Vessels.

The following features are provided:



The GSW uses the standard Go templating syntax and its basic functionality as described here.

Command-line arguments

The GSW can be configured to generate a templated command to execute the game server with. The available templating variables are:

Placeholder Type Description
{{.GameServerIP}} string The IP given by Agones to the game server.
{{.GameServerPort}} uint16 The port given by Agones to the game server. Defaults to the port named game, or if there is no port with that name, to the first port found. A different name can be configured using --ports.primary.
{{.Ports}} map[string]uint16 The known game server ports.
{{.Env}} map[string]string The environment variables.


gsw -- /app/gameserver --port={{ .GameServerPort }} --query-port={{ .Ports.query }} --servername={{ .Env.POD_NAME }}

Configuration Files

The GSW can be configured to generate a templated configuration file. It needs a template file as an input, which must be available within the gswrapper's container, and an output file path. The available templating variables are the same as the ones for command-line arguments.

Command-line argument Environment variable Description
--config.template-path CONFIG_TEMPLATE_PATH Path at which to write the game server configuration file.
--config.output-path CONFIG_OUTPUT_PATH Path to the configuration file template.


# template.yaml
  ip: "{{ .GameServerIP }}"
  port: "{{ .GameServerPort }}"
  {{- if .Env.POD_NAME }}
  servername: "{{ .Env.POD_NAME }}"
  {{- end }}
gsw --config.template-path=template.yaml --config.output-path=config.yaml -- /app/gameserver --config=config.yaml

Log tailing

The GSW also supports tailing log files and printing them on stdout using the wrapper's logger.

Command-line argument Environment variable Description
--tail-log.paths TAIL_LOG_PATHS Paths from which to tail log files. Can be passed multiple times.


gsw --tail-log.paths=gameserver.log --tail-log.paths=error.log -- /app/gameserver

Shutdown handling

The GSW can also manage the lifetime of the game server by initiating the shutdown for different phases and after a configured duration.

This can be useful to force the shutdown of stuck game servers or allow compaction of the fleet.

Command-line argument Environment variable Description
--shutdown.scheduled SHUTDOWN_SCHEDULED Shutdown when the game server has been Scheduled for the given duration (default: 0s, disabled).
--shutdown.ready SHUTDOWN_READY Shutdown when the game server has been Ready for the given duration (default: 0s, disabled).
--shutdown.allocated SHUTDOWN_ALLOCATED Shutdown when the game server has been Allocated for the given duration (default: 0s, disabled).


gsw --shutdown.scheduled=24h --shutdown.ready=1h --shutdown.allocated=24h -- /app/gameserver

Post-Stop Hook

A Post-Stop hook allows an executable to run after the game server stops. It can be configured to trigger in both error and non-error scenarios — whether the server exits due to a failure or shuts down normally.

Once the game server stops, the Post-Stop hook runs the configured executable. The executable can, for example, analyze a core dump to generate a stack trace or upload the full dump for further investigation.

The path to the executable must be specified, and the executable file itself must be present at the path in the image and carry the executable flag.

Command-line argument Environment variable Description
--post-stop-hook.path POST_STOP_HOOK_PATH Path to the executable to be run.
--post-stop-hook.args POST_STOP_HOOK_ARGS The arguments passed to the executable. Can be used multiple times.
--post-stop-hook.max-execution-time POST_STOP_HOOK_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME Maximum execution time for the Post-Stop hook (default: 30m). Warning: When the game server is in the Agones state 'Shutdown', the maximum execution time cannot exceed the termination grace period, which is set to 30s by default. This can be configured on GameFabric > Armadas/Formations > Settings > Advanced section.
--post-stop-hook.on-error POST_STOP_HOOK_ON_ERROR Determines if the Post-Stop hook should run when the game server exited with a non-zero exit code. Core dump crashes always cause the Post-Stop hook to run.
--post-stop-hook.on-success POST_STOP_HOOK_ON_SUCCESS Determines if the Post-Stop hook should run when the game server exited with exit code 0.


gsw \ \
  --post-stop-hook.args="{{ .GameServerIP }}" \
  --post-stop-hook.args="{{ .GameServerPort }}" \
  --post-stop-hook.max-execution-time=5m \
  --post-stop-hook.on-error=true \

Before invoking the hook, the GSW sets the environment variables GAMESERVER_EXITCODE (int) and GAMESERVER_EXITSIGNAL (int) to expose the detected game server exit code and signal (if applicable).


# Game server success (hook called only if --post-stop-hook.on-success=true)

# Game server error (hook called only if --post-stop-hook.on-error=true)

# Game server crash (e.g. SIGSEGV)

echo "Post-Stop hook here. Game server exited with code $GAMESERVER_EXITCODE / signal $GAMESERVER_EXITSIGNAL."

The stdout and stderr output of the hook is caught and each attached as one-line message to the GSW logger.

Example output:

lvl=info msg="Game server exit code: \"0\"\nGame server exit signal: \"-1\"\nIndex: 1\nIndex: 2\nIndex: 3\nIndex: 4\nIndex: 5\nIndex: 6\nIndex: 7\nIndex: 8\nIndex: 9\nIndex: 10\n" svc=gswrapper output=stdout
lvl=eror msg= svc=gswrapper output=stderr

Deprecated Features

  • --crashhandler.exec / CRASHHANDLER_EXEC: Use --post-stop-hook.path / POST_STOP_HOOK_PATH instead.
  • --crashhandler.args / CRASHHANDLER_ARGS: Use --post-stop-hook.args / POST_STOP_HOOK_ARGS instead.
  • --crashhandler.max-execution-time / CRASHHANDLER_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME: Use --post-stop-hook.max-execution-time / POST_STOP_HOOK_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME instead.

Exit codes

The game server wrapper exits with code 0 (success), if:

  • the game server exited with code 0, and
  • there either is
    • no Post-Stop hook set, or
    • no Post-Stop hook condition applies, or
    • Post-Stop hook exited with code 0.

For any other situation, the exit code is 1 (error).


lvl=info msg="Starting game server" svc=gswrapper
lvl=info msg="Game server stopped" svc=gswrapper runtimeSeconds=10.007 exitCode=0 exitSignal=-1

lvl=info msg="Starting post-stop hook" svc=gswrapper
lvl=info msg="Post-stop hook stopped" svc=gswrapper runtimeSeconds=10.042 exitCode=0 exitSignal=-1
lvl=info msg="Starting game server" svc=gswrapper
lvl=eror msg="Game server stopped with error" svc=gswrapper runtimeSeconds=10.015 exitCode=1 exitSignal=-1 error="gsemu exited: exit status 1"

lvl=info msg="Starting post-stop hook" svc=gswrapper
lvl=eror msg="Post-stop hook stopped with error" svc=gswrapper runtimeSeconds=3.014 exitCode=-1 exitSignal=-1 error="post-stop hook timed out: context deadline exceeded"