1 the project is build android recovery only;
2 before building, make sure copy project android_prebuilt, android_bionic and anroid_hardware to the directory ,which from ICS or higher
3 Steps as following:
$. build/envsetup.sh
$make crespo
please see the out/patch_device/crespo/ , find recovery.img
4 please check Makefile to obtain the supported devices;
Modified by [email protected]
Setps to build n909 :
# build/envsetup.sh
# make n909
You cand find recovery.img in folder out/patch_device/n909
ZTE N909 support dynamic linker binary
so I build the busybox and bash as dymamic
support usb-toggle for internal sdcard && sdcard
$ cd MIUI_Recovery_N909
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update