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Guilherme Sousa edited this page Jul 19, 2024 · 2 revisions

Setting up environment variables and secrets

In order for this workflow to be able to automatically publish your builds, you'll first need to setup some environment variables on your Github Settings (Settings->Secrets and variables)


image You'll need the following two variables:

  • ITCH_USERNAME: On your profile page, this will be what precedes
  • ITCH_GAME_ID: On your game page, this will be what comes after the URL to your profile page. The URL to your game should therefore look something like:

Butler API Key

image You'll need to use butler to authenticate to and generate an API key. [This page explains how you can do that].

With these setup, you should be able to publish a web build of your game by going to Actions->CI->Run Workflow. By default, this won't run on every commit you do, but you can change publish.yml to have it do what you want!

Making changes to the workflow