=> A flutter based application for easy interaction between patient's and doctors. During Pandemic many of the patients are looking to get a regular health check-ups but moving outside in such conditions seems risky.
=> So the application is build for this problem, it consists of chatbox with realtime database , login/signup page using firebase google signin and email/password sigin/signup, cool animations using rive , covid tracker with realtime updates , a tracker for nearby ambulance, also addon to this there is a relax zone which comprises of mini games and music to chill out.
=> The app uses YouTube API to call the videoplayer to get indulge in streaming youtube videos there, nearby locations of hospitals is also set using Google Map API.
=> Fork this repository.
Click on the symbol at the top right corner.
=> Open your Git Bash command window and in the root directory type the following commands :
1) git init -initializes the git repository from the GitHub.
2) git clone -Clone the repository to your local machine
(git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/AapKaVaidya)
=> Open your Android IDE :
1) Open the file at the root directory
2) Code your modifications in the project
=> Create a new branch :
1) git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
=> Add your changes and commit it out :
1) git add . -Updates the index using the current content found in the working tree
2) git commit -m "your_msg" -Create a new commit containing the current contents of the index with a message
=> Push your local changes to GitHub Repository :
1) git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Always feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and a detailed description on the AapKaVaidya repository.
If you have any great ideas which can make this project more better, you can make changes and send me a Pull Request(PR) with a respective title and description on the AapKaVaidya repository, I will definitely review your pull request.
Harshit Singh |