Laravel Collective Form For Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code snippets to create Laravel Collective Forms inputs preformated for Twitter’s Bootstrap. Usage When you're editing your view in Visual Studio Code, type the snippet shortcut followed by the tab key. Available snippets General Input Shortcut Form bootform Form model bootformmodel Inputs Input Shortcut Button bootbutton Checkbox bootcheckbox Date bootdate Email bootemail File bootfile Hidden boothidden Number bootnumber Password bootpassword Radio bootradio Select bootselect SelectMonth bootselectmonth SelectYear bootselectyear SelectRange bootselectrange Text boottext Textarea boottextarea Horizontal inputs Input Shortcut Checkbox bootcheckboxh Date bootdateh Email bootemailh File bootfileh Number bootnumberh Password bootpasswordh Radio bootradioh Select bootselecth SelectMonth bootselectmonthh SelectYear bootselectyearh SelectRange bootselectrangeh Text boottexth Textarea boottextareah